I read that to convert a RGB pixel into greyscale RGB, one should use
r_new = g_new = b_new = r_old * 0.3 + g_old * 0.59 + b_old * 0.11
我也阅读并理解, g 有更高的权重,因为人眼对绿色更敏感。实现这一点,我看到的结果是一样的,我会从图像编辑器中设置一个图像为'greyscale'像Gimp。
I also read, and understand, that g has a higher weighting because the human eye is more sensitive to green. Implementing that, I saw the results were the same as I would get from setting an image to 'greyscale' in an image editor like the Gimp.
Before I read this, I imagined that to convert a pixel to greyscale, one would convert it to HSL or HSV, then set the saturation to zero (hence, removing all colour). However, when I did this, I got a quite different image output, even though it also lacked colour.
s = 0 完全不同于我阅读的正确方式,为什么它不正确?
How does s = 0 exactly differ from the 'correct' way I read, and why is it 'incorrect'?
It appears that which luminance coefficients to use is the subject of some debate. Various combinations and to-greyscale algorithms have different results. The following are some presets used in areas like TV standards:
- 由ITU-R BT.601(NTSC? code> 0.299r + 0.587g + 0.114b
- 由ITU-R BT.709(更新)定义的系数 0.2126r + 0.7152g + 0.0722b
- 等于三分之一的系数,(1/3)(rgb)等效于 s = 0
- the coefficients defined by ITU-R BT.601 (NTSC?) are 0.299r + 0.587g + 0.114b
- the coefficients defined by ITU-R BT.709 (newer) are 0.2126r + 0.7152g + 0.0722b
- the coefficients of equal thirds, (1/3)(rgb), is equivalent to s = 0
href =http://www.cgg.cvut.cz/members/cadikm/color_to_gray_evaluation/ =nofollow>科学文章详细描述各种灰度技术及其对各种图像的结果,加上119的主观调查
This scientific article details various greyscale techniques and their results for various images, plus subjective survey of 119 people.
However, when converting an image to greyscale, to achieve the 'best' artistic effect, one will almost certainly not be using these predefined coefficients, but tweaking the contribution from each channel to produce the best output for the particular image.
Although these transformation coefficients exist, nothing binds you to using them. As long as the total intensity of each pixel is unchanged, the contributions from each channel can be anything, ranging from 0 to 100%.
Photographers converting images to grayscale use channel mixers to adjust levels of each channel (RGB or CMYK). In your image, there are many reds and greens, so it might be desirable (depending on your intent) to have those channels more highly represented in the gray level intensity than the blue.
This is what distinguishes "scientific" transformation of the image from an "artistic" combination of the bands.
An additional consideration is the dynamic range of values in each band, and attempting to preserve them in the grayscale image. Boosting shadows and/or highlights might require increasing the contribution of the blue band, for example.