



我注意到,人们建议不要混用Swing和AWT 组件,但是我们看到这个很多:

I have noticed that people recommend not intermixing Swing and AWT Components, however we see this alot:

import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
 //AWT imports though only for listeners
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;


So why do many including Java (because I got that off their tutorial here) still use AWT imports, though I see its mainly for Listeners.

你如何添加的原始的摆动监听器 S /库的东西,如按钮的JComboBox presses / slections等?

How do you add native Swing Listeners/Libraries for stuff like Key, Button, JComboBox presses/slections etc?

或者,我会使用 firePropertyChangeListeners()? (尽管这涉及到Java Bean)的

Or would I use firePropertyChangeListeners()? (though that relates to Java Beans)


It has been confusing me now for some time, most of my app have Swing and AWT which is said to be bad?


摇摆股相当多的班,AWT,并使用一些相同的执行 - 注意,javax.swing.JComponent中(基Swing组件类)实际上继承从java.awt.Component中(基AWT容器类)

Swing shares quite a few classes with AWT, and uses some of the same implementation - note that javax.swing.JComponent (the base Swing component class) actually inherits from java.awt.Component (the base AWT container class)


It's actually not that much of a problem to mix Swing and AWT if you are careful. The main pitfalls are:

  • 您就有可能得到一个非常不同的外观,如果你混合AWT和Swing感觉UI组件

  • Swing组件是轻量级(被Java渲染),而AWT组件都是重量级(如主机平台组件实现) - 这意味着,如果你把AWT组件Swing组件内(倒过来,你都会有问题是罚款)


08-20 16:20