



我正在尝试在 python 上移植一个项目 2to3,但卡在 tkinter 中.

I'm trying to porting a project 2to3 on python, and stuck in tkinter.


In python2, there is no problem with adding menu bar to Frame in tkinter,

但是python3发生了属性错误.(Frame 对象没有属性 'tk_menuBar')

but python3 occured attribute error. (Frame object has no attribute 'tk_menuBar')

python2 和 python3 在 tkinter 中向 Frame 添加菜单栏有什么区别吗?

Is there any differences between python2 and python3 about adding menu bar to Frame in tkinter?

class TkMap(Map, tkinter.Tk):
""" Map with Tkinter GUI functions """
def __init__(self, cols, rows, value,
             width, height, widthMM, heightMM,
             title, menu = None, keybindings = []):
    """ TkMap extends Map and Tkinter """
    Map.__init__(self, cols, rows, widthMM, heightMM)
    if menu == None:
        menu = [('File',[['Exit',self.destroy]])]
    keybindings.append( ("<Configure>", self.changeSize))
    self.menuButtons = {}
    self.debug = 0
    self.application = 0
    self.width = width
    self.height = height
    self.colScale = self.width / self.cols
    self.rowScale = self.height / self.rows

def addMenu(self, menu):
    """ Create a menu """
    self.mBar = tkinter.Frame(self,relief=tkinter.RAISED,borderwidth=2)

    *for entry in menu:
        self.mBar.tk_menuBar(self.makeMenu(self.mBar, entry[0],entry[1]))*

    self.mBar.pack(side = "top")


PS. It's my first question, so i will be appreciated that if you point out my mistake about bad manners.


你不应该在 python 2 或 python 3 中使用 tk_menuBar.该函数的文档字符串是这样说的:

You should not be using tk_menuBar in either python 2 or 3. The docstring for that function says this:

"""请勿使用.在 Tk 3.6 及更早版本中需要."""

注意:tk 3.6 在 90 年代初就过时了.

Note: tk 3.6 went obsolete back in the early 90's.

无法将菜单附加到 Frame 小部件.您可以添加 Menubutton 的实例来模拟菜单栏,但不会得到真正的菜单栏.

There is no way to attach a menu to a Frame widget. You can add instances of Menubutton to simulate a menubar, but you won't get a real menubar.

您可以通过配置menu 属性将Menu 附加到根窗口或Toplevel 的实例.

You can attach a Menu to the root window or to instances of Toplevel by configuring the menu attribute.

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

menubar = tk.Menu()
fileMenu = tk.Menu()
editMenu = tk.Menu()
viewMenu = tk.Menu()

menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileMenu)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=editMenu)
menubar.add_cascade(label="View", menu=viewMenu)




08-20 16:13