本文介绍了编辑绘图时Visio 2016挂起的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的一位工程师正在尝试编辑一个4在具有Xeon E5处理器和HP的HP Z420工作站上的MS Visio 2016(64位版本)中的MB Visio文件16GB
的RAM。当尝试复制整个页面或所述页面中的某些元素时,Visio会冻结(尽管最终完成操作并恢复响应)。我在这个过程中观看了性能监视器,CPU没有达到50美元以上的b $ b和内存使用量不超过45%。


我们正在为大型太阳能项目设计场地布局(1MW +),每页有1000多个形状。


  • 从32位移动到64位版本的Visio
  • 尝试在其他装备相似的机器上执行此操作。发生了同样的问题。
  • 重新创建文件以确保文件(或个别形状)没有变得腐败



  • 考虑到我们在文件中使用的对象数量,我们是否最大限度地利用了Visio的功能?
  • 有我们最大限度地提高了用于设计所述文件的机器的功能?如果是这样,你可以为更强大的机器提供哪些建议?
  • 是否只是导致这种滞后的软件错误?




IT - ReVision Energy


One of my engineers is attempting to edit a 4 MB Visio file in MS Visio 2016 (64-bit edition) on an HP Z420 workstation with a Xeon E5 processor & 16GB of RAM. Visio is freezing up (although eventually completes the action and resumes responding) when attempting to duplicate an entire page or certain elements within said page. I've watched the performance monitor during this process and CPU does not hit more than 50% and memory usage does not exceed 45%.

Use Case:
We're designing site layouts for large-scale solar projects (1MW+) and have a 1000+ shapes per page.

Troubleshooting Already Performed:

  • Moved from 32-bit to 64-bit version of Visio
  • Attempted performing this action on other, similarly-equipped machines. Same issue occurred.
  • Recreated the file to ensure the file (or an individual shape) had not become corrupt

What's Next:
We're trying to narrow down the cause of this issue.

  • Have we maxed out the capabilities of Visio given the number of objects we are employing in the file?
  • Have we maxed out the capabilities of the machine used to design said file? If so, what recommendations can you all provide for a more capable machine?
  • Is there simply a software bug causing this lag?

Any assistance you all could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
IT - ReVision Energy


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08-20 15:23