



没有关于Hyperledger Fabric多渠道的明确文档,社区中的某人可以共享配置示例吗?

There is no clear documentation of hyperledger fabric multichannel, can someone from community share example of configuration.


有关为Hyperledger Fabric配置创建多通道的堆栈溢出线程应为您提供帮助(主要是黄色和灰色代码块)-> .

This Stack Overflow thread on creating multi-channel for a Hyperledger Fabric configuration should help you (mostly in yellow and grey code blocks) -> Configure Multiple Channel in Hyperledger Fabric.

为多组织,多通道设置配置了自定义运行时结构环境之后,您就可以创建必要的Hyperledger Composer配置工件(例如,商务网卡,一个用于运行时PeerAdmin的安装)特定组织中的两个对等方,以及PeerAdmin的一张卡,以在连接到有问题的特定渠道的所有多组织对等方之间实例化/启动业务网络)-然后,为将使用/在业务网络上进行事务处理(在设置连接概要文件信息的任何通道上进行通信).请参阅此Multi-Org教程(适用于两个组织,但适用相似的原理) https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/tutorials/deploy-to-fabric-multi-org.html 获得指导.

Once you have configured your custom runtime Fabric environment for your multi-Org, multi-channel setup, you can then create the requisite Hyperledger Composer config artifacts (eg. such as business network cards, one for a PeerAdmin for runtime install on the two peers in a specific organisation, and one card for a PeerAdmin to instantiate/start the business network across all the multi-Org peers joined to the specific channel in question) - and thereafter, issue cards for the individual identities that will consume/transact on the business network (on whatever channel the connection profile information is set up to communicate on). See this Multi-Org tutorial (for two Organisations, but similar principles apply) https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/tutorials/deploy-to-fabric-multi-org.html for guidance.


08-20 15:03