




I want to play around with mobile Vulkan without having to buy a device.


If it is not supported, please provide evidence (e.g. source code, official Google statements). Are there any plans to support it?

如果受支持,请提供详细且经过测试的说明,以了解如何运行最小的Hello World Triangle应用程序,包括经过测试的应用程序.

If supported, please give detailed and tested instructions of how to get a minimal hello world triangle app running, including the app you have tested with.

我尝试了 https://github.com/googlesamples/带有Pixel API 25图像的android-vulkan-tutorials/tree/7ba478ac2e0d9006c9e2e261446003a4449b8aa3/tutorial05_triangle (API 25应该支持Vulkan),但会不断出现构建或运行时错误.

I have tried https://github.com/googlesamples/android-vulkan-tutorials/tree/7ba478ac2e0d9006c9e2e261446003a4449b8aa3/tutorial05_triangle with a Pixel API 25 image (API 25 is supposed to support Vulkan), but keep getting build or runtime errors.

我在以下位置打开了一个问题: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-vulkan-tutorials/issues/13 ,但是没有解决方案就被关闭了.

I have opened an issue at: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-vulkan-tutorials/issues/13 but it was closed without solution.


  • OpenGL ES 2: Does the Android Emulator support OpenGL ES 2.0?
  • OpenGL ES 3:Does the Android emulator support OpenGL ES 3.0?


我怀疑此Android Vulkan设置文档是您从Google可以找到的绝对答案:

I suspect this Android Vulkan setup document is as definitive an answer as you're going to find from Google:


Note that it does not suggest an emulator as an alternative approach - it talks only about correct hardware and device.


The good news if you have a cross-platform codebase, is that getting Vulkan running correctly on PC will get you about 99% of the way to having Vulkan running on Android. That is, assuming you're going with a Vulkan-only NativeActivity, it gets a bit more fiddly if you want a mixed Java/Native app with Vulkan support and OpenGLES fallback, in that case, there's a chunk of Android-specific work to do, but you're still over 90% there focusing on PC.


08-20 14:50