我已经看到很多问题,询问如何将iPhone应用程序转换为通用应用程序,答案通常是使用 iPad升级目标
I've seen lot's of questions asking how to convert iPhone apps into Universal apps, and the answer has usually been to use the Upgrade Target For iPad
and sometimes update the Info.plist
. I've also seen this question, which asks the same thing as me, but I'm looking for a different approach.
The answer posted there says that in order to convert an iPad app to a universal app, one must just change the Target device family
and then code for it. I think that answer is incorrect, because you end up with a lopsided codebase.
我如何将iPad应用程序转换为通用应用程序,以便目录结构看起来如此像一个升级的iPhone应用程序? (包括编辑plist和拆分委托等步骤。)
How would I convert an iPad app to a universal app, so that the directory structure would look like an iPhone app that was upgraded? (Including steps such as editing the plist and splitting the delegate.)
If you want to do it manually, first create a dummy/template Universal app, look at the differences between it and your app, and change your app to eliminate those differences. Among the steps:
Create suitable xibs for the iPad in that subdirectory.
Modify your info.plist to use those xibs for iPads (and icons, etc.)
Either create new subclasses for the iPad, or use modify your existing subclasses to check the UI paradigm and select the appropriate UI subelements & sizes in code.
如果您创建了新类,请根据需要将它们插入iPad xib。
If you created new classes, plug them into the iPad xibs as needed.
Modify your Target settings to include building for iPad.
Move around, and/or rename your existing iPhone files/directories to make them symmetric, if so desired.