

本文介绍了转换iPhone / iPad应用程序的Andr​​oid上的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经开始建立自己的iPhone和iPad上使用iPhone SDK的应用程序。接下来的问题,就是始终要求由客户端,我们可以把它在Android?

I have started to build my own apps on iPhone and iPad using the iPhone SDK. The next question that is always asked by the client is, "Can we have it on Android?"


So my question to you, 'the internet', is: what are my options?


I don't have the time to learn another language (learning iOS has been enough!), so are there companies who specialize in this, or are there any online services that do a conversion?


Any help on this welcome, just need to know which way to turn...


,没有办法给现有 iOS应用程序转换为Android应用程序。

No, there is no way to convert an existing iOS app to an Android app.

不过,也有跨平台的框架,让您code,一旦和部署在多个平台,您的应用程序。最流行的是基于HTML / CSS / JavaScript和其中一人是 PhoneGap的

However, there are cross-platform frameworks that allow you to code once and deploy your app in more than one platform. The most popular are based on HTML/CSS/JavaScript and one of them is PhoneGap.

您也可以为iOS和Android开发与Adobe技术,如 Adob​​e AIR的(这是被禁止的苹果公司直到最近)。

You can also develop for iOS and Android with Adobe technologies such as Adobe AIR (this was forbidden by Apple until recently).


And there are online services (such as Mobile Roadie) that allow you to generate cross-platform apps using a content management system.


  • 了解Android和Java开发,如果你想专注于移动开发。
  • 拍摄工作,而不是创造一些只使用什么是常见的两种当在iOS / Android项目,每个平台的长处。

这篇关于转换iPhone / iPad应用程序的Andr​​oid上的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 14:43