本文介绍了在Windows 8上绘制叠加层,包括Metro及其应用程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



这不是什么新鲜事,我这个项目的目的是用手势控制我的Windows 8 HTPC。


在Windows上覆盖图像的所有旧方法现在只能在桌面应用程序中使用,并且我希望能够在Windows 8界面的各个级别上进行覆盖。 br $> b $ b


我已经丢弃的其他选项包括自定义驱动程序,它仍然不能保证我能做到这一点,并带来了由于驱动程序签名而导致很多麻烦,在Windows 8上比Windows 7更加严格。

我已经研究过Direct 3D但没有经验和不知道我是否可以在整个屏幕上或在应用程序窗口内画画。



EDIT2:显然,它是真的可能,但需要很多变通方法!请参阅Windows 8:TopMost vs. TopMost @ http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/pavely/archive/2012/05/16/windows-8-topmost-vs-topmost.aspx\"


I'm attempting to develop a control for Windows using wiimotes, basing on the work of Johnny Chung Lee, by tracking your hands/fingers.

This is nothing new, my intent of this project is to control my Windows 8 HTPC with gestures.

My trouble is actually how can I can I show multiple hovering "fingers" represented by a transparent circle, much like how the Visual Studio Windows 8 app simulator.

All old methods of overlaying images on Windows now only work when in the "Desktop App" and I'd like to be able to so at every level of Windows 8's interface.

I've seen a lot of examples of how to achieve this, and even delved into the Windows messages to send replicate touch events, but found no documentation or combination of settings to force Windows to natively show a finger that's not touching the screen.
Other options I've discarded include custom drivers, which still won't guarantee that I can do this, and brings a whole lot of trouble because of driver signature, which is even more tightly enforced on Windows 8 than Windows 7.

I've looked into Direct 3D but have no experience and no idea if I can draw on the whole screen or just inside the application window.

Any suggestions would be welcome :)

EDIT: if anyone can point out how can I embbed images on the question, this would be much clearer.

EDIT2: Apparently, it is really possible but requires a lot of workarounds! See Windows 8: TopMost vs. TopMost @ http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/pavely/archive/2012/05/16/windows-8-topmost-vs-topmost.aspx"


这篇关于在Windows 8上绘制叠加层,包括Metro及其应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 14:37