




I am trying to figure out the different versions of hadoop and I got confusing after reading this page.

1.2.X - current stable version, 1.2 release
2.2.X - current stable 2.x version
2.3.X - current 2.x version
0.23.X - similar to 2.X.X but missing NN HA.
Releases may be downloaded from Apache mirrors.


  1. 我想开始0.XX任何发布意味着它是一个alpha版本,应在产品中不使用,是这样吗?

  2. 是什么0.23.X和2.3.x版本之间的区别?它提到他们相似,但缺少的NameNode?高可用性?有0.23和2.3之间的关系?是不是因为当他们开发code时,PMC集团说:男人!它是那么不成熟,应该让它从0开始,因为它们是相同的产品,我会继续数字一样吗?
  3. 当我看到新的Hadoop源$ C ​​$ C,我看到的JobTracker类竟然是一个虚拟类。和我预想的JobTracker和TaskTracker共同,即得。马preduce1会慢慢消失在Hadoop的路线图这在另一起案件中,为的Map Reduce作业的接口可能会保持不变,但第二代的Hadoop(纱)将完全取代的JobTracker和TaskTracker共同的想法与ResourceManager..etc。


Sorry that this question might be a bit unorganized since I got really confused by the version number. I will modify the question after I figured it out.



First of all: there's a major difference between Hadoop v1 and v2 (aka YARN). The v1's NameNode and JobTracker are replaced by the new ResourceManager for better scalability. That's why both will disappear later on in the development.


Second: 0.X versions are subtle no hint for alpha releases: OpenSSL was over ten years a 0.9 release (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSSL#Major_version_releases) even though it was considered being a de facto standard or reference implementation. And many Fortune 500 companies trusted in it.

和对于Hadoop的也是如此。 0.23版本是指具有V2实现(除了高可用性NameNode的仍然是V1的)的Hadoop V1的架构。所以0.23和2.3是大约相同的,并继续在平行老化。他们把它命名为0.X 1.X已在使用。他们只是不希望1.X不断老化,表明2.X是要走的路 - 你可以使用0.X只有当你依靠1.X的架构,但是,从另一方面要接收来自小的改进目前的发展2.X。

And that's true for Hadoop as well. The 0.23 version refers to Hadoop v1's architecture that has v2 implementations (except High Availability as the NameNode is still v1's). So 0.23 and 2.3 are about the same and continue aging in parallel. They named it 0.X as 1.X is already in use. They just don't wanted 1.X keep aging to indicate that 2.X is the way to go -- you may use 0.X only if you rely on 1.X's architecture but on the other hand want to receive minor improvements from the current development in 2.X.

底部部分试图解释这一点,但好一点分分合合,以及:。这里的顶部做它一个好一点: http://hadoop.apache.org/releases.html

The bottom part tries to explain this, but is a bit better skelter as well: http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Roadmap. The top part here does it a bit better: http://hadoop.apache.org/releases.html


Hope this was helpful...

