

本文介绍了Maven EAR多模块项目未打包persistence.xml的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I`m working in a EAR project with Maven which has 2 modules. Images speaks louder than words, so let me show you the structure:

sigea-model包含模型,存储库和服务层( MVC 中的"M" ). sigea-web包含网页和控制器bean( VC ),sigea-ear只是将其他2个模块打包为EAR包的包装.

sigea-model contains model, repository and service layers (The "M" in MVC). sigea-web contains web pages and controller beans (VC) and sigea-ear is just a wrapper to package the other 2 modules in a EAR package.

如您所见,sigea-ear有一个空的META-INF文件夹. sigea-modelsigea-web中的两个beans.xml文件都只是空标记文件,因为默认情况下AFAIK,CDI会在所有带注释的类中进行搜索(但这不是现在的问题). persistence.xml是一个简单的文件,它使用带有连接池的JTA事务(之所以起作用,是因为我从Glassfish的管理控制台ping并成功).

As you can see, sigea-ear has an empty META-INF folder. Both beans.xml files in sigea-model and sigea-web are just empty marker files because AFAIK, CDI by default search in all annotated classes (but this is not the problem right now). persistence.xml is a simple file which uses JTA transactions with a connection pool (which is working because I ping from the Glassfish's admin console and is successful).


Finally, when I package the application I get the following:


As you can see, there's no persistence.xml. All this came out because I deployed the application successfully but in the first click I got the Exception

          javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Exception thrown from bean
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to retrieve EntityManagerFactory for unitName null


<project ...>





        <!-- I suppress some lines for brevity -->


pom.xml [sigea-ear]

<project ...>




pom.xml [sigea-web]

<project ...>



        <!-- Some dependencies including sigea-model -->



pom.xml[sigea-model] is not important as it just defines some dependencies for test and is configured to generate a package with the test classes, which are used in sigea-web for test purposes also.


Finally the question: What's failing in my configuration that doesn't package the persistence.xml file? If that's not the problem for the IllegalStateException with the message shown above: What are posible causes for that exception?




I solved the problem by changing a dependency. In sigea-model I had


过去我曾为我的测试方法管理持久性上下文.我没有t inquire very much in the Glassfish JPA provided implementation but maybe it's Eclipse Link instead of Hibernate. Apparently there are some incompatibility issue between those libraries. I moved hibernate-entitymanager`来编译作用域,像这样:

Which I used to manage the persistence context for my test methods. I didnt inquire very much in the Glassfish JPA provided implementation but maybe it's Eclipse Link instead of Hibernate. Apparently there are some incompatibility issue between those libraries. I movedhibernate-entitymanager` to compile scope, like this:


现在,项目编译就没有问题了. khmarbaise 所做的评论也很有用,它简化了项目配置,非常感谢.

And now the projects compile with no problem. It was also useful the comment made by khmarbaise, it simplified the project configuration, thank you very much.

这篇关于Maven EAR多模块项目未打包persistence.xml的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 14:17