


What ?
I am developing a Console Application that needs to keep running 24/7 No Matter What
Is there any way to stop a Multi-Threaded Application from getting blown up by some unhandled exception happening in "some thread somewhere" ?


Why ?
Please refrain from giving lessons like "you should manage all your exceptions", "this should never happen" etc. I have my reasons : We are in test deployment and we need to keep this running, log exceptions, and restart all threads again. If anything unplanned happens and causes an unhandled exception to be thrown, it needs to be detected and some method called to restart all threads(atomicity is impossible due due the tier design)


This being said, I am aware it might no be possible to restart an application from "within" if it has blown because of and UnhandledException (which I already implemented).


So far, I have used Quartz.net's FileScan Job and a Flag File to detect stuff like that and restart the application from outwards. But this sounds hacky to me. I would like to find something cleaner and less quick and dirty.

DownVoting /狙击警告:我知道这也许是不可能的是'。请勇于创新/有益的而不是突然的批评,并认为这更多的是一个开放式问题



You need to attach an event handler to UnhandledException event on the Current AppDomain:

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException + = UnhandledExceptionHandler

在处理函数中,你将不得不以某种方式保存足够的状态(到一个文件,数据库等)的重新启动的应用程序一起传递给新的线程。然后实例化你的控制台应用程序通过调用一个新的实例 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(MyConsoleApp.exe)

Inside the handler, you will have to somehow save enough state (to a file, database, etc.) for the restarted application to pass along to the new threads. Then instantiate a new instance of your Console application with a call to System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("MyConsoleApp.exe").


Be very careful to introduce logic to avoid a continuous loop of crash/restart/crash/restart.


08-20 14:05