





  * @ ORM \OneToOne(targetEntity =HearWeGo \HearWeGoBundle \Entity \Destination,inversedBy =audio)
* @ Assert \NotBlank(message =此栏位必须填写)
* /
私人$ destination;



命名空间HearWeGo \HearWeBundle \Form;

使用Symfony \Component\Form\AbstractType;
使用Symfony \Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
使用Symfony \ Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
使用HearWeGo \HearWeBundle \Entity \Audio;

class AddAudioType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $ builder,array $ options)
$ builder
- > ; add('name','text')
- > add('content','file')
- > add('destination','entity',array('class' =>'HearWeGoHearWeGoBundle:Destination','property'=>'name'))

public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $ resolver)
$ resolver-> setDefaults(array('data_class'=>HearWeGo \\\ \\HearWeGoBundle\\Entity\\Audio));

public function getName()

In Controller

  / ** 
* @Route(/ admin / add / audio,name =add_audio)
* /
public function addAudioAction(Request $ request)
if(!$ this-> get('security.authorization_checker') - > isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')){
return new Response('Please login');

$ this-> denyAccessUnlessGranted('ROLE_ADMIN',null,'无法访问此页!');

$ audio = new Audio();
$ form = $ this-> createForm(new AddAudioType(),$ audio,array(
'action'=> $ this - > generateUrl('add_audio')
$ form-> add('submit','submit');
if($ request-> getMethod()=='POST')
$ form-> handleRequest($ request);
if($ form-> isValid())
$ destination = $ this-> getDoctrine() - > getRepository('HearWeGoHearWeGoBundle:Destination')
- > findByName($形式 - >获得( '目标') - >的getData() - >的getName());
$ audio-> setDestination($ destination);
$ name = $ _ FILES ['add_audio'] ['name'] ['content'];
$ tmp_name = $ _ FILES ['add_audio'] ['tmp_name'] ['content'];
if(isset($ name))
if(!empty($ name))
$ location = $ _ SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']。 /捆绑/ hearwegohearwego /上传/;
move_uploaded_file($ tmp_name,$ location。$ name);
$ audio-> setContent($ location。$ name);
$ em = $ this-> getDoctrine() - > getEntityManager();
$ em-> persist($ audio);
$ em-> flush();
返回新的响应('Audio'。$ audio-> getName()。'已创建!');

$ b return $ this-> render('@ HearWeGoHearWeGo / manage / addAudio.html.twig',array('form' => $形状配合> CreateView的()));





   - > add('destination','entity',array(
'property' =>'name'

你说你想要所有可能的 Destination



编写自己的方法,将已经关联目的地排除到 DestionationRepository 。如果您不知道什么是存储库或者您不知道如何编写它,请参阅。方法实现留给你作为练习(不,实际上,我不知道所有的实体,所以我不能猜测)。

一旦你完成了这些,你必须将 DestinationRepository 传递给你的表单,作为一个选项( required 我想[见 setRequired()

  // AddAudioType $(code>>)},所以,像这样的东西(我会省略无趣的代码) b $ b  [...] 
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $ builder,array $ options)
$ destination_repo = $ options ['dr' ]。

$ builder-> [...]
- > add('destination','entity',array(
'class'=>'HearWeGoHearWeGoBundle: Destination',
'choices'=> $ destination_repo-> yourCustomRepoFunctionName(),

$ resolver-> setRequired(array(

现在您已经为表单设置了所有内容,您需要传递 DestinationRepository 到您的表单。


public function addAudioAction()
$ destination_repo = $ this-> getDoctrine()
- > getManager()
- > getRepository('HearWeGoHearWeGoBundle:Destination');
$ b $ form = $ this-> createForm(new AddAudioType(),$ audio,array(
'action'= > $ this-> generateUrl('add_audio'),
'dr'=> $ destination_repo,

$ / code>

只要你写出一个好的过滤器 方法(即:你排除不在子句中所有目的地将密钥存入其他表)你只需将你的方法写成
$ b


/ p>

  // AddAudioType 
使用Doctrine \ORM \EntityRepository;

$ php

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $ builder,array $ options)
$ destination_repo = $选项[ '博士'];

$ builder-> [...]
- > add('destination','entity',array(
'选择'=>函数(EntityRepository $ repository)use($ someParametersIfNeeded){
return $ repository-> createQueryBuilder('d')
- > [。 ..];},

$ b $ p
$ b

在第二种情况下, createQueryBuilder 也没有实现并留给你。有一点你需要记住: choices 需要一个查询生成器,所以不要调用 - > getQuery() - > getResult()

  • 自定义函数应始终保留在回收站内。因此,你正在编写一些代码到必须的地方(见下面的知识点)
  • 因为代码是可重用的(DRY原则)

    $ b

    自定义回购函数 / h3>

      public function findDestinationWithoutAudio(){
    $ query =SELECT d
    FROM HearWeGoHearWeGoBundle:Destination d
    WHERE d NOT IN(SELECT IDENTITY(a.destination)
    FROM HearWeGoHearWeGoBundle:Audio a)
    $ b $ return $ this-> getEntityManager() - > createQuery($ query) - > getResult();

    $ b

    如果你想知道为什么你应该使用 IDENTITY ()函数而不是直接外键:

    I have 2 entities: Audio and Destination

    In Audio:

         * @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="HearWeGo\HearWeGoBundle\Entity\Destination", inversedBy="audio")
         * @Assert\NotBlank(message="This field must be filled")
        private $destination;

    I created a Form Type name AddAudioType used to upload an audio to database

    namespace HearWeGo\HearWeGoBundle\Form;
    use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
    use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
    use HearWeGo\HearWeGoBundle\Entity\Audio;
    class AddAudioType extends AbstractType
        public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
        public function getName()
            return 'add_audio';

    In Controller

         * @Route("/admin/add/audio",name="add_audio")
        public function addAudioAction(Request $request)
            if (!$this->get('security.authorization_checker')->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')){
                return  new Response('Please login');
            $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('ROLE_ADMIN', null, 'Unable to access this page!');
            $audio=new Audio();
            $form=$this->createForm(new AddAudioType(),$audio,array(
            if ($request->getMethod()=='POST')
                if ($form->isValid())
                    if (isset($name))
                        if (!empty($name))
                            return new Response('Audio '.$audio->getName().' has been created!');
            return $this->render('@HearWeGoHearWeGo/manage/addAudio.html.twig',array('form'=>$form->createView()));

    In AddAudioType, I declared so that it gets all records from Destination entity table and allows user to choose one of them, then persist it to database

    Now there's something another I have to handle: Because relationship between Audio and Destination is one-to-one, user is not allowed to choose a Destination which already appeared in Audio table. Now in AddAudioType, I don't want to get all records from Destination table, but only some that hasn't appeared in Audio table yet. How should I do it?


    When you do in your form builder

    ->add('destination', 'entity', array(

    you're saying that you want all of possible Destination entities

    If you want to filter them, you have two possibilities

    First one (recommended)

    Write your own method to exclude already "associated" Destinations into DestionationRepository. If you don't know what is a repository or you don't know how to write one, please refer to this document. Method implementation is left to you as an exercise (No, really, I don't know all entities so I cannot make any guess)

    Once you've done this, you have to pass DestinationRepository to your form, as an option (required I suppose [see setRequired() method below]), so, something like this (I'll omit uninteresting code)

        public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            $destination_repo = $options['dr'];
                        'choices'=> $destination_repo->yourCustomRepoFunctionName(),

    Now that you have setted all for your form, you need to pass DestinationRepository to your form. How do you that?
    It's quite simple indeed

    //In controller you're instatiating your form
    public function addAudioAction()
        $destination_repo = $this->getDoctrine()
        $form=$this->createForm(new AddAudioType(), $audio, array(
                'method' => 'POST',
                'action' => $this->generateUrl('add_audio'),
                'dr' => $destination_repo,

    It's going to work like a charm as long as you write a good "filter" method (ie.: you exlude with NOT IN clause all Destinations that got the key into other table)

    Second one

    You simply write your method into the form

    use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
        public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            $destination_repo = $options['dr'];
                        'choices'=> function(EntityRepository $repository) use ($someParametersIfNeeded) {
                                        return $repository->createQueryBuilder('d')

    In this second case, createQueryBuilder is also not implemented and left to you. One thing you need to remember: choices will need a query builder, so don't call ->getQuery() and ->getResult()

    Why fist one?

    • Custom function should always stay within repos. So you are writing some code into the place that has to be (see points below to know way)
    • Because code, that way, is reusable (DRY principle)
    • Because you can test code more easily

    Custom repo function

    public function findDestinationWithoutAudio() {
        $query= "SELECT d
                 FROM HearWeGoHearWeGoBundle:Destination d
                 WHERE d NOT IN (SELECT IDENTITY(a.destination)
                                 FROM HearWeGoHearWeGoBundle:Audio a)"
        return $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($query)->getResult();

    If you want to know why you should use IDENTITY() function and not foreign key directly:


08-20 13:59