






 use std::io::stdio::stdout;
use std::io::buffered::BufferedWriter;

fn do_work( input: &str, out: Option<~str> ) {
    println!( "Input:  {}", input );
    println!( "Output: {}", match out {
        Some(x) => x,
        None    => ~"Using stdout"
    } );
    let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {
        // I know that unwrap is frowned upon,
        // but for now I don't want to deal with the Option.
        Some(x) => File::create( &Path::new( x ) ).unwrap(),
        None    => stdout()
    } );
    out_writer.write( bytes!( "Test output\n" ) );


test.rs:25:43: 28:6 error: match arms have incompatible types: expected `std::io::fs::File` but found `std::io::stdio::StdWriter` (expected struct std::io::fs::File but found struct std::io::stdio::StdWriter)
test.rs:25     let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {
test.rs:26         Some(x) => File::create( &Path::new( x ) ).unwrap(),
test.rs:27         None    => stdout()
test.rs:28     } );
test.rs:25:22: 25:41 error: failed to find an implementation of trait std::io::Writer for [type error]
test.rs:25     let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {






fn do_work(input: &str, out: Option<String>) {
    let mut out_writer: Box<Write> = BufWriter::new(match out {
        Some(ref x) => Box::new(File::create(&Path::new(x)).unwrap()),
        None => Box::new(stdout()),
    out_writer.write(b"Test output\n").unwrap();


I'm learning Rust, and I'm somewhat stumped.

I'm trying to give the user the option of writing output to stdout or to a supplied filename.

I started with the example code that's given for using extra::getopts located here. From there, in the do_work function, I'm trying to do this:

use std::io::stdio::stdout;
use std::io::buffered::BufferedWriter;

fn do_work( input: &str, out: Option<~str> ) {
    println!( "Input:  {}", input );
    println!( "Output: {}", match out {
        Some(x) => x,
        None    => ~"Using stdout"
    } );
    let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {
        // I know that unwrap is frowned upon,
        // but for now I don't want to deal with the Option.
        Some(x) => File::create( &Path::new( x ) ).unwrap(),
        None    => stdout()
    } );
    out_writer.write( bytes!( "Test output\n" ) );

But it outputs the following error:

test.rs:25:43: 28:6 error: match arms have incompatible types: expected `std::io::fs::File` but found `std::io::stdio::StdWriter` (expected struct std::io::fs::File but found struct std::io::stdio::StdWriter)
test.rs:25     let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {
test.rs:26         Some(x) => File::create( &Path::new( x ) ).unwrap(),
test.rs:27         None    => stdout()
test.rs:28     } );
test.rs:25:22: 25:41 error: failed to find an implementation of trait std::io::Writer for [type error]
test.rs:25     let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {

But I don't understand what the issue is because both File and StdWriter implement the Writer Trait. Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?



Yes, both implement Write, but the problem is BufWriter is expecting a type T that implements Writer, and that T can't be File and Stdout at the same time.

You must cast both to the common type (either Box<Write> or &Write, but since you cannot return references you have to use Box):

fn do_work(input: &str, out: Option<String>) {
    let mut out_writer: Box<Write> = BufWriter::new(match out {
        Some(ref x) => Box::new(File::create(&Path::new(x)).unwrap()),
        None => Box::new(stdout()),
    out_writer.write(b"Test output\n").unwrap();

You should also handle errors properly, not just using unwrap (used in example for simplicity).


08-20 13:32