




I've seen some posts relating to my question, but none that address it completely. I need to create a file in the standard temporary directory and after I'm done writing to it, move it to a different location. The idea is that the file is considered temporary while being downloaded and permanent after downloading completes.

我正在尝试通过调用 mkstemp tmpfile ,然后重命名写完之后.但是,我需要文件的完整路径来调用重命名,并且显然从文件描述符(由mkstemp返回)或FILE *(由tmpfile返回)获取文件名并非易事.可以做到,但并不优雅.

I'm attempting this by calling either mkstemp or tmpfile, then rename after I'm done writing to it. However, I need the full path of the file to call rename, and apparently getting the file name from a file descriptor (returned by mkstemp) or FILE * (returned by tmpfile) is no trivial process. It can be done, but it's not elegant.

是否存在将创建临时文件并提供名称的系统调用?我知道 mktemp 和相关的调用,但是不能保证它们是唯一的或不推荐使用.或者也许有更好的方法来完成创建,写入和移动临时文件的操作.

Is there a system call that will create a temporary file and provide me with the name? I know about mktemp and related calls, but they either aren't guaranteed to be unique or are deprecated. Or perhaps there is a better way to accomplish creating, writing to, and moving temporary files.


它看起来像 mkstemp 实际上是要走的路.

It looks like mkstemp is actually the way to go.

int fd;
char name[] = "/tmp/fileXXXXXX";
fd = mkstemp(name);
/* Check fd. */


After this call you have a valid descriptor in fd and the name of the associated file in name.


08-20 13:22