

我正在使用打印"函数编写纯文本顺序文件.理想地,打印"打印.功能应附加一个"New Line"(换行)字符(回车[ASCII = 13]和换行符[ASCII = 10]的组合)在打印"

后指定的文本末尾,例如:打印#1 ,"Hello"应该用"New Line"(新行)打印Hello末尾的字符.


这反过来给读取代码带来了问题:Line Input#1,StrLine



在任何情况下,我都无法复制此错误.我在具有不同Service Pack的不同Windows版本上进行了尝试.

I am using "Print" function to write a plain text sequential file. Ideally "Print" function should append a "New Line" character (combination of Carriage Return [ASCII=13] & Line Feed [ASCII=10]) at the end of the text specified after "Print"

eg: Print #1, "Hello" should print Hello with a "New Line" character at the end.

On some machines this new line character is not appended. Only "Line Feed" gets appended but not the "Carriage Return"

This in turn creates a problem for reading code: Line Input #1, StrLine

I have tried reading the file using FileSystem Object. This works fine as it depends only on the "Line Feed" and not on "New Line" character.

Please let me know why the "Print" function is unable to append a "New Line" character at the end in some cases.

I am not able to replicate this error in any of the circumstances. I tried on different Windows versions with different Service Packs.



08-20 13:21