


I found some interesting (and working) answers for how to intercept an ajax call and see all of its content with javascript.(Answer1 and Answer2, ignoring the "timer approach" in answer 2).


I have a Chrome extension that works on a third's page. The page sends and receives its own ajax requests and mostly reshapes itself based on the received data. Currently, my extension can intercept and see the data received, but but it does not interfere in any of the ajax data.


Now I wish to go one step further and change the results before the page reshapes its HTML content!


User clicks a button, the page itself sends a request and receives a response with an array containing 100 elements to be displayed in a table. The page automatically creates the html table with 100 elements. Everything without my interference.


When the data is received, I can see the 100 elements received.

现在,我想让页面显示仅 50而不是100个元素。我该如何更改页面收到的响应?

Now let's say I want the page to show only "50" of those elements instead of 100. How could I change the response received by the page?


  • 页面发送请求,而不是我的扩展名(我可以更改发送的参数,但这不是最佳选择,我不想将错误的请求发送到服务器,无论如何我都无法看到或更改)。

  • 页面本身在收到响应后更改其DOM。

  • 不希望更改DOM!我需要在页面开始更改其DOM之前更改。 (接收到的数据量非常大,以致页面变得比各大洲的移动都要慢,我需要防止创建元素)

  • 页面高度动态,使用一个那些类似引导程序的每次收到响应时,都会清除并重新创建框架及其大多数DOM元素。

  • The page sends the request, not my extension (I could change the arguments sent, but that is not the best choice, I don't want to send bad requests to the server, which I cannot see or change anyhow).
  • The page itself changes its DOM after receiving the response.
  • I do not want to change the DOM! I need to change the data received before the page starts changing its DOM. (The amount of data received is so huge that the page gets slower than the movement of the continents, I need to prevent the elements from being created)
  • The page is highly dynamic, using one of those "bootstrap-like" frameworks and most of its DOM elements are cleared and recreated each time a response is received.


此方法的重要部分是 Object.defineProperty API。

The important part of this method is the Object.defineProperty API.

您不能使用对象分配来覆盖 this.responseText = {...};

You can't use object assignment to override, this.responseText = {...};


  const nativeOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
  const nativeSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;

  const proxiedOpen = function () {
    // Mount the URL that needs to be intercepted to the `XMLHttpRequest` object.
    if (arguments[1].includes('jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1')) this._url = arguments[1];
    nativeOpen.apply(this, arguments);

  const proxiedSend = async function () {
    if (this._url) {
      // Make other requests, it can also be a fixed value.
      const data = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/5').then(res => res.json());
      // The data of `todos/1` is rewritten as `todos/5`
      Object.defineProperty(this, 'responseText', { value: JSON.stringify(data), writable: false });
    nativeSend.apply(this, arguments);

  // Override native methods
  XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = proxiedOpen;
  XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = proxiedSend;

  document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
    const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
      if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        console.log(this.responseText); // Will get the data of `todos/5` instead of `todos/1`.
    xhttp.open('GET', 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1', true);


08-20 12:52