

我有像这样的图像。我可以用旋转this code 。现在,我想知道,哪种颜色有所触动,独立车轮的位置。例如,无论以下职位的车轮是,我应该能够探测到什么颜色我都感动......红色,黄色,绿色,蓝色,粉红色或灰色。可能吗?我该怎么办呢?请帮助我,因为我不知道。是否有任何其他的可能性,而不是使用一个单一的照片吗?(解决方案,我想preFER避免...)

I have an image like this one. I can rotate it using this code. Now I would like to know, which color has been touched, independently of the wheel's position. For example, whatever of the following positions the wheel is in, I should be able to detect what color I have touched ...red, yellow, green,blue,pink or grey. Is it possible? How can I do it? Please help me, because I have no idea. Is there any other possibility instead of using a single picture?(solution I would prefer to avoid...)


or or or whatever...


UPDATE: I post some colors because I wanted to be more clear, and I got a solution for this, but how could I do if I have different images instead of a color.



Decode the x & y position of the touch event then call getPixel on the Bitmap:http://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/Bitmap.html


08-20 12:49