本文介绍了使用extjs 6.2中的值对存储区进行分组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to group my store on department name . Department name contains some null values also . when i am trying grouping along with sort function its result in multiple group from same name.


see this fiddel for details. I am not getting what i am doing wrong. Kindly advise.



Your sorterFn is wrong.


  • 1,如果第二个参数严格大于第一个参数.
  • -1,如果第二个参数严格小于第一个参数.
  • 0如果两个参数是同一组.
  • 1 if the second argument is strictly greater than the first.
  • -1 if the second argument is strictly smaller than the first.
  • 0 if both arguments are the same group.


Your sorterFn never returns 0. Try this one:

sorterFn: function(a, b) {
    if(a.get('department')=="Management" && b.get('department')=="Management") return 0;
    if(a.get('department')=="Management") return 1;
    if(b.get('department')=="Management") return -1;
    if(a.get('department') < b.get('department')) return 1;
    if(a.get('department') > b.get('department')) return -1;
    return 0;

此外,您的transform函数无效.仅从原始的sorterFn中调用它,然后将其覆盖.如果需要,您必须在sorterFn中考虑空值. (但是,通常通常将诸如其他"之类的后备类别放在最后,而不是在"IT"和销售"之间.)

Furthermore, your transform function is useless. It is called only from the original sorterFn, which you overwrite. You would have to account for null values in your sorterFn, if you wish so. (However, usually one would put fallback categories like "Others" in the end, not between "IT" and "Sales".)

此外,要在标题行中写部门,您必须覆盖 groupHeaderTpl 模板,例如

Also, to write the department in the header line, you have to override the groupHeaderTpl template, e.g.

groupHeaderTpl: [
    '<tpl if=\'name\'>{name}<tpl else>Others</tpl>'

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08-20 12:25