Hi All, i have written jqGrid code, now i have to add Edit, Save, and Creat button in that grid, my code is as follows
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
url: ''/Home/DataRequested'',
datatype: "json",
mtype: ''POST'',
colName: [''Product_ID'', ''Name'', ''Description'', ''Action''],
colModel: [
{ name: ''Product_ID'', index: ''Product_ID'', width: 160, sorttype: ''int'' },
{ name: ''Name'', index: ''Name'', width: 160, sorttype: ''text'' },
{ name: ''Description'', index: ''Description'', width: 160, sorttype: ''text'' },
{ name: ''action'', index: ''Action'', width: 45, sortable: false },
gridComplete: function () {
var ids = jQuery("#testGrid").jqGrid(''getDataIDs'');
for (var i = 0; i < ids.Lenght; i++) {
//var cl = ids[i];
be = "<input style=''height:22px;width:20px;'' type=''button'' value=''E'' />";
se = "<input style=''height:22px;width:20px;'' type=''button'' value=''S'' />";
ce = "<input style=''height:22px;width:20px;'' type=''button'' value=''C'' />";
jQuery("#testGrid").jqGrid(''setRowData'', ids[i], { action: be + se + ce });
page: 1,
rows: 10,
sidx: ''Product_ID'',
sord: ''asc'',
rowList: [5, 10, 20, 50],
pager: $("#divPager"),
width: 800,
editurl: ''@Url.Action("GridDemo")''
以上代码''DataRequested''和' 'getDataIDs''是''Home''comtroller中的动作,我无法调用方法''getDataIDs'',任何人都可以帮我知道我应该怎么做...?
in above code ''DataRequested'' and ''getDataIDs'' are the actions in ''Home'' comtroller, i am not able to call the method ''getDataIDs'', can any one help me that how should i do this..?
以上代码''DataRequested''和' 'getDataIDs''是''Home''控制器中的动作,我无法调用方法''getDataIDs'',任何人都可以帮助我,我应该怎么做...?
in above code ''DataRequested'' and ''getDataIDs'' are the actions in ''Home'' comtroller, i am not able to call the method ''getDataIDs'', can any one help me that how should i do this..?