




 public class BatchCreateGCalendars implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.Stateful, Database.AllowsCallouts {

        private String query;
        private String pageToken ;
        private String accessToken;
        private String CalendarId;

        public BatchCreateGCalendars(){

            this.query = 'Select Id, Name, CalendarId__c from CalendarSettings__c'; // Query to get the CalendardID (Google ID)


        public Database.Querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){

            return Database.getQueryLocator(query);


        public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){

            GoogleForce__c gApp           = GoogleForce__c.getAll().values()[0];
            GCalendarUtil.Calendar cal    = new GCalendarUtil.Calendar();
            GCalendarUtil.GResponse gResp = new GCalendarUtil.GResponse();

            String endPoint = GCalendarUtil.CALENDAR_BASE + GCalendarUtil.CAL_URL; // Calendar Endpoint

            // Iterate over the records, delete each calendar and create the calendar again.

            for(CalendarSettings__c c : (List<CalendarSettings__c>)scope){

                String delEndpoint = endpoint + '/' + c.CalendarId__c;

                if(gApp.ExpiresIn__c < system.now()){
                    gResp               = GCalendarUtil.getNewToken(gApp);
                    accessToken         = gResp.access_token;
                    gApp.AccessToken__c = gResp.access_token;
                    gApp.ExpiresIn__c   = System.now().addSeconds(gResp.expires_in);

                    accessToken = gApp.AccessToken__c;
                    System.debug('Calendar Id  is '+ c.CalendarId__c);
              String re=  GCalendarUtil.doApiCall(null,'GET','https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/'+c.CalendarId__c+'/events',accessToken);

            re = re.replaceAll('"end":','"end1":');
    re = re.replaceAll('"dateTime":','"dateTime1":');
              System.debug('response is' +re);
               JSON2Apex1 aa = JSON2Apex1.parse(re);

               List<JSON2Apex1.Items> ii = aa.items ;
                        System.debug('next token is'+ aa.nextPageToken);
               List<String> event_id =new List<String>();
               if(ii!= null){
               for(JSON2Apex1.Items i: ii){
           for(String s:event_id)

       pageToken = aa.nextPageToken;

               deleteEvents(accessToken , pageToken,c.CalendarId__c);


            update gApp;

            After the batch job is finished, trigger the other batch jobs where the Campaigns are sent as Events to the calendars.
            Use the CalendarQuery field on the each calendarSettings record.

        public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){

        BatchDeleteEvents bjob1 = new BatchDeleteEvents(CalendarId,accessToken);

            for(CalendarSettings__c c  : [Select Id, Name, CalendarQuery__c, CalendarId__c,FieldToDisplay__c from CalendarSettings__c WHERE Name IN ('Public Calendar', 'Internal marketing Calendar')]){

                BatchPublicCampaignsToGoogle bjob = new BatchPublicCampaignsToGoogle(c.CalendarQuery__c,c.CalendarId__c,c.FieldToDisplay__c);
                Database.executeBatch(bjob,9); // This is set to process 9 records, allowing 1 extra callout for refresh token in case needed.



        public static void deleteEvents(String accessToken,String pageToken,String CalendarId){
         List<Event__c> event_id =new List<Event__c>();

        while(pageToken != null)
    {   String re = GCalendarUtil.doApiCall(null,'GET','https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/'+CalendarId+'/events?pageToken='+pageToken,accessToken);
                    System.debug('next page response is'+ re);
                     re = re.replaceAll('"end":','"end1":');
    re = re.replaceAll('"dateTime":','"dateTime1":');
      JSON2Apex1 aa = JSON2Apex1.parse(re);
       List<JSON2Apex1.Items> ii = aa.items ;
      System.debug('size of ii'+ii.size());
      pageToken = aa.nextPageToken ;

               if(ii!= null){
               for(JSON2Apex1.Items i: ii){
               event_id.add(new Event__c(name = i.id));

     insert event_id;




in this code i am getting error at this line

String re=  GCalendarUtil.doApiCall(null,'GET','https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/'+c.CalendarId__c+'/events',accessToken);


You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out


why i am facing this error please help and one more doubt is when i call this code in finish method

 BatchDeleteEvents bjob1 = new BatchDeleteEvents(CalendarId,accessToken);

它将同步执行此代码 na 表示处理 9 个批次中的所有对象,然后控制将在此代码上执行

it will execute this code synchronously na means all objects in batch of 9 processed and then control will come on this code

BatchPublicCampaignsToGoogle bjob = new BatchPublicCampaignsToGoogle(c.CalendarQuery__c,c.CalendarId__c,c.FieldToDisplay__c);


您不能在 Salesforce/Apex 中制作标注以及 DML 语句.

you can't make Callouts in Salesforce/Apex along with DML statements.

您可以首先根据可以调用 DML 语句的 Callout 状态执行 CallOut.

You could first perform CallOut based on the Callout Status you can invoke DML Statments.


08-20 12:07