本文介绍了WebClient 下载奇怪的行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的 Web 客户端似乎有这种奇怪的行为我的应用程序适用于这种情况:
1 用户浏览主题及其回复(使用 URL 和 DownloadStringAsync 从网络加载)
3- 我再次从网上重新加载评论的回复

It seems that i have this weird behavior in my Web ClientMy application goes in this scenario:
1-user browse topics and it's replies (Loaded from the web using URL & DownloadStringAsync)
2-he add a reply in the topic
3- I re-load the replies of the comment again from the web


But the new added reply don't appear on the new downloaded result although it appears when viewing the URL on the Web , The reply appears only if the application is closes and re-opened.


I want to view the reply in the page as soon the user post it


WebClient 在 Windows Phone 上缓存 URL(和响应).*您可以:

WebClient caches urls (and responses) on Windows Phone.* You could:

  • 每次发送不同的网址.在 url 上添加一个虚假的搜索项,如 ?phonyid=1 并每次递增.
  • 在服务器上的 url 页面上指定不允许浏览器缓存.

*我对这种行为的第一个参考是 Timdam 在 http://goo.gl/nqs27 的博客条目,但我在实践中也看到过这种情况.

*my first reference for this behavior is Timdam's blog entry at http://goo.gl/nqs27, but I've also seen this happen in practice.

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08-20 12:02