I'd like to load external websites within an iframe, and if any of those sites employ the use of a frame blocker then I'd like to redirect the user to an error page. There have been a few proposed methods of doing this:
- 等待上载超时
- 查看iframe src html加载后的内容是否为空"
- 尝试捕获错误
- 维护黑名单"网址的数据库
So far, depressingly, I've had the most luck with the last item. The other methods aren't working for the following reasons:
- 等待上载超时:
- 即使使用雇用框架杀手的网站也会触发
- onload事件.例如,如果我尝试访问www.google.com,它将仅加载空的html结构.
- waiting for an onload timeout:
- onload events fire even with websites that employ frame killers. For example, if I try to access www.google.com, it'll just load empty html structure.
- 由于相同的原始政策,您无法访问iframe的外部src内容.
- 据我了解,我只能找到与本地JS代码产生的错误有关的错误处理函数,而与
"Refused to display <URL> in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'
- To my understanding I can only find error handling functions that pertain to errors stemming from your local JS code, and nothing related to errors like
"Refused to display <URL> in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'
- 这显然是一个糟糕的解决方案,它不全面,而且哈哈.
也许我误解了其中一种方法.我缺少这里的解决方案吗?对于上下文,我主要在JS + jQuery中进行此操作.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding one of these methods. Is there a solution here I'm missing? For context I am doing this mainly in JS + jQuery.
I have a temporary fix that uses header information as @charlietfl suggested, though it's not perfect, as you can see under the tests section, not all sites list x-frame options in their headers.
<?php // checkXFO // checks x-frame options // $headers: an array of headers // returns: nothing function checkXFO($headers){ if($headers['X-Frame-Options']==""){ echo "good to embed! <p>"; } else{ echo "Denied! <p>"; } } //----------------------- // tests //----------------------- // x-frame option: SAMEORIGIN // should deny // > passes $headerArray = get_headers('http://www.google.com',1); checkXFO($headerArray); // x-frame option: DENY // should deny // > passes $headerArray = get_headers('http://www.facebook.com',1); checkXFO($headerArray); //x-frame option: none // should accept // > passes $headerArray = get_headers('http://wikipedia.org',1); checkXFO($headerArray); //x-frame option: none // should accept // > passes $headerArray = get_headers('http://neopets.com',1); checkXFO($headerArray); //x-frame options: DENY // should deny // > fails $headerArray = get_headers('http://www.yahoo.com',1); checkXFO($headerArray); //x-frame option:none. Redirected x-frame options: DENY // should deny // > fails $headerArray = get_headers('http://www.yahoo.ca',1); checkXFO($headerArray); ?>
这篇关于检测iframe src是否可显示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!