


I am stuck in a situation where I need to check whether a key exists in a nested JSON object. By nested JSON Object that I am having a JSON object inside the parent JSON object as the value of one of its key. So i need to check whether this key exists in entire JSON object. I am getting the below data as a String object. I know I can parse this String object to get JSON object.

"claim_loss_type_cd": "TEL",
"claim_type": "002",
"claim_reason": "001",
"policy_number": "1234kk3366ff664",
"info": {
    "ApplicationContext": {
        "country": "US"


I have used containsKey() method to check the key existence in the main JSON object and it works. But for checking any internal JSON object like "info" I need to parse that Object again to JSON object and then check the key again.

        String jsonString = "My JSON String here";
        JSONObject finalResponse = new JSONObject(jsonString);
        finalResponse.containsKey("country"); // will return false
        JSONObject intermediateResponse = (JSONObject)finalResponse.get("info");
        intermediateResponse.containsKey("country"); // will return true

因此,有什么更好的方法,任何API或方法都可以检查任何内部JSON对象内部,而无需解析内部JSON对象.我正在为Websphere Application Server使用com.ibm.json.java.JSONObject.JSONObject()本机IBM库,并且没有正在使用的其他JSON解析器.

So is there any better way, any API or method which can check inside any internal JSON object as well without the need of parsing the internal JSON object. I am using com.ibm.json.java.JSONObject.JSONObject() native IBM library for Websphere Application Server and No additional JSON parsers I am using.


Considering the above JSON, like "claim_type" is a key in parent JSON object but "info" in itself a JSON object.So what i need to do is to check whether a key exists in complete JSON, either in parent or any of its child JSON object like key "country" here in example.


Thanks to @chsdk I came to a solution. But if anyone else came to any solution using some other API, please respond, because below solution is taking recursion into account & might have big Space/Time Complexity.

public static boolean checkKey(JSONObject object, String searchedKey) {
    boolean exists = object.containsKey(searchedKey);
    if(!exists) {
         Set<String> keys = object.keySet();
         for(String key : keys){
             if ( object.get(key) instanceof JSONObject ) {
                    exists = checkKey((JSONObject)object.get(key), searchedKey);
    return exists;


您可以使用 JSONObject 来解析您的json并使用其 具有(字符串键) 方法来检查此Json是否存在键:

You can use JSONObject to parse your json and use its has(String key) method to check wether a key exists in this Json or not:

 String str="{\"claim_loss_type_cd\": \"TEL\",\"claim_type\":\"002\",\"claim_reason\": \"001\",\"policy_number\":\"1234kk3366ff664\",\"info\": {\"ApplicationContext\":{\"country\": \"US\"}}}";
 Object obj=JSONValue.parse(str);
 JSONObject json = (JSONObject) obj;
 //Then use has method to check if this key exists or not
 System.out.println(json.has("claim_type")); //Returns true


Or better you can simply check if the JSON String contains this key value, for example with indexOf() method:

String str="{\"claim_loss_type_cd\": \"TEL\",\"claim_type\":\"002\",\"claim_reason\": \"001\",\"policy_number\":\"1234kk3366ff664\",\"info\": {\"ApplicationContext\":{\"country\": \"US\"}}}";
System.out.println(str.indexOf("claim_type")>-1); //Returns true


Take a look at this method, it iterates over the nested objects to check if the key exists.

public boolean keyExists(JSONObject  object, String searchedKey) {
    boolean exists = object.has(searchedKey);
    if(!exists) {
        Iterator<?> keys = object.keys();
        while( keys.hasNext() ) {
            String key = (String)keys.next();
            if ( object.get(key) instanceof JSONObject ) {
                    exists = keyExists(object.get(key), searchedKey);
    return exists;

Object obj=JSONValue.parse(str);
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) obj;
System.out.println(keyExists(json, "country")); //Returns true


08-20 11:49