




Help me to write the code like "if my string is a valid URL do smth"Is it possible to write this in a couple strings of code?



I will assume that by URL, you are referring to a string identifying a internet resource location.

如果您对输入字符串的格式有所了解,那么为什么不手动检查字符串是否以 http:// https:// 或您需要的任何其他方案。如果您期望其他协议,您也可以将它们添加到检查列表中(例如 ftp:// mailto:// 等等)

If you have an idea about the format of the input string , then why not manually check if the string starts with http://, https:// or any other scheme you need. If you expect other protocols, you can also add them to the check list (e.g. ftp://, mailto://, etc)

if ([myString hasPrefix:@"http://"] || [myString hasPrefix:@"https://"])
    // do something


If you are looking for a more solid solution and detect any kind of URL scheme, then you should use a regular expression.

作为旁注,NSURL类旨在表达任何类型的资源位置(而不仅仅是Internet资源)。这就是为什么,字符串如 img / demo.jpg file://bla/bla/bla/demo.jpg 可以转换为NSURL对象。

As a side note, the NSURL class is designed to express any kind of resource location (not just internet resources). That is why, strings like img/demo.jpg or file://bla/bla/bla/demo.jpg can be transformed into NSURL objects.

但是,根据文档, [NSURL URLWithString] 应返回nil如果输入字符串不是有效的Internet资源字符串。在实践中它没有。

However, according to the documentation the [NSURL URLWithString] should return nil if the input string is not a valid internet resource string. In practice it doesn't.


08-20 11:42