




I'm trying to script a lua file to check if a certain file is open. Then I want it to close that file if it is open. I know how to check if the file exist but I need to know how to check if the file is open, meaning the file is running.


Lua与C,C ++以及几乎所有其他语言一样,只能关闭打开自身的文件.您不能关闭其他人打开的文件(不能通过标准的Lua调用);这将是令人难以置信的粗鲁.

Lua, like C, C++, and pretty much every other language, can only close files that it opens itself. You cannot close files open by other people (not with standard Lua calls); this would be incredibly rude.

因此,您无法测试文件是否被其他人打开.您也无法关闭文件.您可能需要执行系统API调用,但是您必须自己给Lua脚本访问这些API的权限. Lua的标准库无法做到这一点.

So you can't test to see if a file is opened by someone else. Nor can you close their file. There may be system API calls you could make to do this, but you would have to give Lua scripts access to those APIs yourself. Lua's standard libraries can't do this.


08-20 11:42