




I'm trying to write an IF statement in VBA to determine if the first column along the row of a listbox is empty.If the row is empty I want a message box to display. if the row is not empty then the row is saved to memory.


My code so far:

Private Sub RiskLogReviewListBox_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
   With RiskLogReviewListBox
      If IsNull(Me.RiskLogReviewListBox, 0, 0) Then
         MsgBox "Item is not a Valid Entry"
         str1$ = .List(.ListIndex, 0)
         str2$ = .List(.ListIndex, 1)
         str3$ = .List(.ListIndex, 2)
         str4$ = .List(.ListIndex, 3)
         str5$ = .List(.ListIndex, 4)
         str6$ = .List(.ListIndex, 5)
         str7$ = .List(.ListIndex, 6)
         str8$ = .List(.ListIndex, 7)
         str9$ = .List(.ListIndex, 8)
         str10$ = .List(.ListIndex, 9)
   End With
   End If

   Unload Me

End Sub



You can use Len() and Trim() to check if the first column along the row of a listbox is empty.


Option Explicit

'~~> Add sample data
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    With RiskLogReviewListBox
        .List(UBound(.List), 0) = "aa"
        .List(UBound(.List), 1) = "bb"

        .List(UBound(.List), 0) = "cc"
        .List(UBound(.List), 1) = "" '<~~ Empty
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub RiskLogReviewListBox_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    If RiskLogReviewListBox.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub

    If Len(Trim(RiskLogReviewListBox.List(RiskLogReviewListBox.ListIndex, 1))) = 0 Then _
    MsgBox "First Column of selected row is empty"
End Sub

顺便说一句,您在End If之前有End With.也许是错字?

BTW you have your End With before the End If. Maybe a typo?

注意:我正在考虑将第二列作为第一列.如果您的意思是第一列与第一列相同,请使用0代替1.例如RiskLogReviewListBox.List(RiskLogReviewListBox.ListIndex, 0)

NOTE: I am considering the second column as the first column. If you meant the first column as in the first column then instead of 1 use 0. For example RiskLogReviewListBox.List(RiskLogReviewListBox.ListIndex, 0)

Option Explicit

'~~> Add sample data
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    With RiskLogReviewListBox
        .List(UBound(.List), 0) = "aa"
        .List(UBound(.List), 1) = "bb"

        .List(UBound(.List), 0) = "" '<~~ Empty
        .List(UBound(.List), 1) = "cc"
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub RiskLogReviewListBox_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    If RiskLogReviewListBox.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub

    If Len(Trim(RiskLogReviewListBox.List(RiskLogReviewListBox.ListIndex, 0))) = 0 Then _
    MsgBox "First Column of selected row is empty"
End Sub


08-20 11:20