I am developing a library at my work and I have designed a complicated inheritance that includes template classes and deriving from them.My problem is that a base template class has virtual overloaded operator that takes 2 arguments and returns some value. In base class this operator is implemented and most of derived classes does not reimplement this operator.
其他一些类使用派生类进行某些工作并利用它们的运算符成员函数。只要派生类没有其他重载运算符,即使使用不同数量的参数,一切都可以正常工作。如果有的话,那么使用它作为 object()无法访问基类运算符,因为编译器找不到合适的成员函数(抱怨参数计数不匹配)。
Some other class uses derived classes for some work and make use of their operator member function. Everything works just fine as long as derived class has no other overloaded operator, even with different number of arguments. If one does then the base class operator is not accessible using it as object() because compiler can not find proper member function (complains about argument count missmatch).
指定基类的默认模板参数是否无关紧要。派生类的定义顺序也不会改变哪个运算符导致问题(它总是 SpecificDerived class)。
It does not matter wether default template arguments for base class was specified or not. Also order of definitions of derived classes does not change which operator cause the problem (it is always SpecificDerived class).
template<class ret_t> class TemplateBase2 { public: virtual ~TemplateBase2() { } virtual ret_t memberFunc(ret_t x) { return x * 2; } };
template <class worker, class ret_t> ret_t gobble(worker w, float f) { return w.memberFunc((ret_t)f); }
class SpecificDerived2: public TemplateBase2<float> { public: float memberFunc() { return 3.14; } };
#include <iostream> #include "TemplateBase2.h" using namespace std; int main() { SpecificDerived2 sd2; cout << "sd2: " << gobble<SpecificDerived2, float>(sd2, 3.14f) << endl; return 0; }
编译器退出时出错,声称没有匹配从 gobble 函数调用'SpecificDerived2 :: memberFunc(float)'的函数。只有当派生类或基类有两个具有相同名称但不同参数的重载函数时才存在问题。
Compiler exits with error claiming that there is no matching function for call to 'SpecificDerived2::memberFunc(float)' from gobble function. Problem exists only when either derived or base class has two overloaded functions of the same name, but different arguments.
我正在使用MinGW32 4.8.1并支持c ++ 11 。
I am using MinGW32 4.8.1 with c++11 support.
当类模板派生自基类模板时,基类成员在派生类模板定义中不可见。 (这是有道理的;直到你专攻,没有类,所以没有成员。明确的专业化总是可以改变任何给定模板类的含义。)
When a class template derives from a base class template, the base members are not visible in the derived class template definition. (This makes sense; until you specialize, there is no class, and so there are no members. Explicit specializations can always change the meaning of any given template class.)
In other words, the base template member names are dependent names and not looked up in the first phase of template definition lookup.
There are three ways to get around this. Let's make it concrete with a quick example:
template <typename T> struct Foo { int data; using type = const T &; void gobble() const; template <int N> void befuddle(); }; template <typename T> struct X : Foo<T> { /* ... */ };
Now in the context of the derived class template definition, you can...
Qualify the name:
Foo<T>::data = 10; typename Foo<T>::type x; Foo<T>::gobble(); Foo<T>::template befuddle<10>();
this->data = 10; this->gobble(); this->template befuddle<10>();
(This doesn't work for type names names.)
Use a using declaration:
using Foo<T>::data; using Foo<T>::gobble; using type = typename Foo<T>::type; data = 10; gobble();
(This doesn't work for template names.)
更新:编辑后,问题完全不同。模板根本不起作用,因为问题不包含模板,只包含类。发生的事情很简单,成员函数在派生类隐藏基类中同名的成员函数中,因此存在 SpecificDerived2 :: memberFunc 隐藏基本成员函数。简单的解决方案是使用声明使用取消隐藏同名基本成员:
Update: After your edit, the question is entirely different. Templates don't play a role at all here, since the problem doesn't contain templates, only classes. What's happening is the simple fact that member functions in a derived class hide member functions of the same name in base classes, so the presence of SpecificDerived2::memberFunc hides the base member function. The simple solution is to unhide base members of the same name with a using declaration:
class SpecificDerived2 : public TemplateBase2<float> { public: using TemplateBase2<float>::memberFunc; // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ float memberFunc() { return 3.14; } };