

本文介绍了在pdf乳胶(R knitr)中嵌入闪亮的应用程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我知道不可能直接将有光泽的应用程序直接放入pdf乳胶中,但是我听说过( HubertL的答案),可以通过以下方式绑定它:关联.有人可以帮我吗?我还没有发现任何东西.我正在使用Beamer Madrid(如果重要的话,请使用Idk).

I know that it's impossible to put shiny app in pdf latex directly, but I've heard (How to embed an interactive shiny plot in a pdf / presentation? (via knitR maybe) HubertL's answer) it's possible to bind it via link. Can someone help me with that? I haven't found anything about this. I'm using beamer Madrid (Idk if it's important).


您必须首先发布Shiny应用程序.一旦获得了在线应用程序的URL,就可以使用knitr::include_url()以非HTML输出格式包括该应用程序的自动屏幕截图.参见 https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/web -pages-and-shiny-apps.html 了解更多信息.

You have to publish the Shiny app first. Once you have got the URL to the online app, you can use knitr::include_url() to include an automatic screenshot of the app in non-HTML output formats. See https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/web-pages-and-shiny-apps.html for more information.

请注意,此功能当前需要 webshot 软件包和PhantomJS:

Note that this feature currently requires the webshot package and PhantomJS:


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08-20 10:51