




I have a sparse matrix that is not symmetric I.E. the sparsity is somewhat random, and I can't count on all the values being a set distance away from the diagonal.


However, it is still sparse, and I want to reduce the storage requirement on the matrix. Therefore, I am trying to figure out how to store each row starting at the first non-zero, in order, until I get to the last non-zero.

也就是说,如果行m的第一个非零出现在第2列,而最后一个非零出现在第89列,则我想存储在A [m]行2-> 89中.

That is, if the first non-zero of row m occurs at column 2, and the last non-zero is at column 89, I want to store in A[m] rows 2-> 89.


Since each row does not have the same number of non-zeros, I will make all the rows of A have the same number of elements, and pad zeros to the end of the row for rows that have a smaller number of non-zero elements.


How do I do this translation in C? I do not actually have an original, full matrix to just copy the values from (the original matrix is coming to me in CSR form). If I was doing this in fortran, I could just define my array to be two dimensional and just have each row be variable length by tracking the start/stop values of non-zero columns and store it like that.


I will try to demonstrate below:


This is a matrix representation of the values I know - and for each value, I know the row and column location

  [1    2    3    4                   ]
  [   5    6    7    8                ]
  [       10    11    12    13        ]
 m[   14    15    16    17       18   ]
  [         19    20    21         22 ]

现在,此行m在第一个非零和最后一个非零之间具有最大的跨度"所以我的新矩阵将是5x[span of row m]

Now for this one row m has the largest "span" between the first non-zero and last non-zeroso my new matrix is going to be 5x[span of row m]

  [1     2     3     4          ]
  [5     6     7     8          ]
  [10    11    12    13         ]
 m[14    15    16    17       18]
  [19    20    21       22      ]


As you can see, row m needs no zero padding since it was the longest "span" anyway


The other rows now all have row zero as the first non-zero, and maintain the spacing of zeros columns between each non-zero.


我将其实现为一个参差不齐的数组,其中A [n] [0]总是返回对角线上的元素. A [n] [1]将返回对角线右边的项目,A [n] [2]将返回对角线左边的项目,依此类推.然后,您只需要一个将矩阵索引[i,j]映射到参差不齐的数组索引[r] [s]的函数.

I would implement this as a ragged array, with A[n][0] always returning the element on the diagonal. A[n][1] will return the item just to the right of the diagonal, A[n][2] will return the item to the left of the diagonal, and so. Then, you just need a function that maps matrix index [i,j] to ragged array index[r][s].


This has the advantage of sparsity, and if your values stay close to the diagonal the arrays are not very long.


Alternatively, you could have this definition:

struct Row
    int InitialOffset;
    int NumElements;
    int[] Values;

然后您将获得一个Row [].根据矩阵索引检索值如下所示:

Then you would have a Row[]. Retrieving a value based on matrix index would look like this:

//matrix is merely an array of rows...
int GetValue(*matrix this, int i, int j)
    Row CurrentRow = (*this)[i];
    if (CurrentRow.InitialOffset > j)
        return 0;
    else if (CurrentRow.InitialOffset + CurrentRow.NumElements < j)
        return 0;
    return CurrentRow.Values[j - CurrentRow.InitialOffset]


My C syntax is a little hazy, but you should get the idea.


Based on your demonstration, I would recommend this:

struct Matrix
    int[,] Data
    int[] StartOffset;
    int[] NumberElements;


int GetValue(*Matrix this, int i, int j)
    if (this.StartOffset[i] > j)
        return 0;
    else if (this.StartOffset[i] + this.NumberElements[i] < j)
        return 0;
    return this.Data[i, j-this.StartOffset[i]];


Your initialization procedure would look something like this

//Data is a struct that holds row index, col index, and value
Matrix* InitMatrix (*Data values, int numVals)
    //loop through values to find longest row and number of rows
    //create new matrix, malloc matrix for longrow * numRows
    //malloc numrows elements for StartOffset and NumItems
    //foreach row, find min() and max()-min() of col indexs and
    //store in StartOffset and NumItems


You need to do some processing, but data compression isn't cheap.


08-20 10:45