

是否有.NET / C#的方式来排序列表<串> 根据自定义的字母顺序

Is there a way in .NET/C# to sort a List<string> according to a custom alphabetical order?


{ "badum", "śiram", "ðaur", "hor", "áltar", "aun" }


that I wish to sort in the following order:

{ "áltar", "aun", "badum", "śiram", "hor", "ðaur" }

通过自定义的字母顺序,我的意思是我工作的一个的:ABZTMIGJLNKSOŚPRFUHDVEÐÞY。 A C#实现的 RuleBasedCollat​​or 在爪哇发现将是完美的!如果没有这样的东西存在,在编写自定义算法的几个三分球,将不胜感激。

By custom alphabetical order, I mean that I'm working on a constructed language with an alphabet that looks like this: ABZTMIGJLNKSOŚPRFUHDVEÐÞY. A C# implementation of the RuleBasedCollator found in Java would be perfect! If no such thing exists, a few pointers on writing a custom algorithm would be appreciated.




I would definitely start with creating a RuleBasedCollator. Figuring out the rules that you want is one of the harder tasks.


There is a project that provides .net bindings over icu which may suit you.


If that doesn't meet your requirements, and you decide to write your own, the Unicode Collation Algorithm is a good resource. Keep in mind that natural language sorting conceptually (although many optimizations are possible) involves separate passes with increasing specificity. The first pass will look for so-called primary distinctions (usually ignoring differences of case and certain diacritics and punctuation) if there are no differences and the number of primary units in both strings is the same, then you can make the second pass, this time taking into account diacritic differences, if any. Next you process the case distinctions and finally punctuation distinctions.


08-20 10:34