本文介绍了在 Wordpress 中调用自定义 php 模板中的函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想调用我在 Wordpress 中编写的另一个 php 类中的函数.但是我对语法感到困惑,例如要获取页面上的标题,您只需调用 get_header();等等 但是我如何调用特定类中的函数?例如在 index.php 中,我想调用位于 test.php 中的名为 this_function() 的函数.这是什么语法?

I want to call a function which is in another php class that I wrote in Wordpress. However I'm confused about the syntax, e.g. to get the header on a page you just call get_header(); etc. But how do i call a function in a specific class? For example in index.php I want to call a function named this_function() which reside in say test.php. What is the syntax for this?


I suspect it to be very simple, but I can't get the syntax right, and I can't any help online.



首先使用 require_once() 来包含 test.php,即

First use require_once() to include the test.php, i.e.


然后你可以简单地调用 this-function() 就可以了.

Then you can simply call this-function() and it will work.


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08-20 10:34