

我有两个SQL Server geometry -ies,我正在使用它们检查它们是否相交.如果需要,我需要交点.

I have two sql server geometry-ies which I am using to check if they intersect. If they do I need the intersection point.

当前,我只能得到布尔输出,如果它与intersects = 1不相交,它将给出=0.有什么办法可以在geometry中找到两个形状的交点?

Currently I can get only Boolean output where if it intersects = 1 and if it does not intersect it will give =0 . Is there any way I can find the intersection of two shapes in geometry?

更新 这个问题引出了我的下一个问题,即如何检查一个点(纬度/经度)是否在具有4000点(纬度/经度)的区域中).一个人可以在地理上使用stcontains或stintersects吗?

Update this question led to my next question concerning how can one check if a point (lat/long) exists in a region which has 4000 points (lat/long). Can one use stcontains or stintersects on geography?



DECLARE @line1 GEOMETRY = geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)', 0)
DECLARE @line2 GEOMETRY = geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(1 0, 0 1)', 0)

SELECT  @line1.STIntersection(@line2).ToString()


08-20 10:31