

如何查找 {1,2,...,n} 中的 LCM ,其中 0 < n < 10001 (以最快的方式).一种方法是计算 n! /gcd(1,2,.....,n),但这会很慢,因为测试用例的数量是 t< 501 输出应该为 LCM(n!)%1000000007

How to find LCM of {1, 2, ..., n} where 0 < n < 10001 in fastest possible way. The one way is to calculate n! / gcd (1,2,.....,n) but this can be slow as number of testcases are t < 501 and the output should be LCM ( n! ) % 1000000007


using namespace std;
#define p 1000000007;
int fact[10001] = {1};
int gcd[10001] = {1};

int main()
    int i, j;
    for( i = 2;i < 10001; i++){
        fact[i] = ( i * fact[i-1]) % p;
    for(i=2 ;i < 10001; i++){
        gcd[i] =__gcd( gcd[i-1], i );

    int t;
    cin >> t;

    while( t-- ) {
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        int res = ( fact[n] / gcd[n] );
        cout << res << endl;

    return 0;


But this code is not performing as well. Why?


我将以完全不同的方式进行计算:{1,...,n}的LCM是所有素数p [i]<的乘积. = n,每个在功率层中(log(n)/log(p [i])).该乘积最多可被n整除,这是最小的此类数.您的主要麻烦是然后要计算素数表.

I would calculate this in completely different way: the LCM of {1,...,n} is a product of all primes p[i]<=n, each in power floor(log(n)/log(p[i])). This product is divisible by all numbers up to n, and this is the least such number. Your main trouble is to calculate table of primes then.


08-20 10:27