I was trying to figure out a way to compare two strings and returns their 'common' words, given that the strings are always in lowercase, I wanted to create a function for this..for example
str1 = "this is a test"
str2 = "saldkasl test asdasd"
result = stringcompare(str1, str2) 'returns "test"
the common word between the two strings should be "test"and if, the two strings have two or more common words, the function should concatenate the strings
str1 = "this is another test"
str2 = "another asdsada test asdsa"
result = stringcompare(str1, str2) ' returns "another test"
i have found a useful link, it gave me an idea but somehow something is really lacking
A pseudocode of what I'm doing right now is this,
'1st: separate the words by every space, " ", then store it in an array or list
'2nd: compare each item on the list, if equal then store to variable 'result'
is this okay? I think it is slow and maybe there is someone out there that has a better approach on this..thanks
在 VS 2013 中测量,以下解决方案比 Guffa 的解决方案平均快 20%:
As measured in VS 2013, below solution is on average 20% faster than Guffa's:
Dim str1 As String = "this is another test"
Dim str2 As String = "another asdsada test asdsa"
Dim result As String = String.Join(" ", str1.Split(" "c).
Intersect(str2.Split(" "c)))
通过将每个解决方案循环 100000 次并使用 StopWatch 测量时间获得结果.
Results were obtained by looping each solution 100000 times and measuring time with StopWatch.