本文介绍了Python 3.6酸洗自定义过程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





对象Amusic21.stream,对象B是自定义对象.自定义序列化功能为 music21.converter.freezeStr(streamObj, fmt=None) 并且解串函数应为 music21.converter.thawStr(strData)


您可以使用 copyreg模块来注册用于酸洗和解酸的自定义功能;您注册的函数的行为类似于 __reduce__方法班级.

如果返回一个元组(unpickle_function, state),则将调用已注册的unpickle_function可调用对象,以状态为参数再次释放它,因此您可以在其中使用music21.converter.thawStr()函数:

import copyreg
import music21.converter
import music21.stream

def pickle_music21_stream(stream_obj):
    return music21.converter.thawStr, (music21.converter.freezeStr(stream_obj),)

copyreg.pickle(music21.stream.Stream, pickle_music21_stream)


这将为那些对象注册一个 global 处理程序.您还可以为每个选取器使用一个调度表,请参阅[*调度表,了解如何注册一个.





import copyreg
import io
import pickle
import music21.converter
import music21.stream

def pickle_music21_stream(stream_obj):
    return music21.converter.thawStr, (music21.converter.freezeStr(stream_obj),)

def dumps(obj):
    f = io.BytesIO()
    p = pickle.Pickler(f)
    p.dispatch_table = copyreg.dispatch_table.copy()
    p.dispatch_table[music21.stream.Stream] = pickle_music21_stream
    return f.getvalue()

def loads(data):
    return pickle.loads(data)  # hook is registered in the pickle data

此处,仅当在您自己的数据结构中找到Stream实例时才调用自定义函数. music21例程使用全局pickle.dumps()pickle.loads()函数,并且不会使用相同的钩子.

I have some objects of class A which has its own method to be pickled, call it custom_module.customPickle(A) which takes an instance of A and returns a serialization string.I also have list of objects each of class B that contains A.

I need to pickle the list, but pickling A gives some error difficult to solve. However, A has its own method to be pickled.

I can implement the __reduce__() method in class B so that it calls custom_module.customPickle(A). But how can I do this so that pickle is able to serialize B efficiently?

Object A is a music21.stream and object B is a custom object. The custom serialization function is music21.converter.freezeStr(streamObj, fmt=None) and the unpickle function should be music21.converter.thawStr(strData)


You can use the copyreg module to register custom functions for pickling and unpickling; the function you register acts like a __reduce__ method on the class.

If you return a tuple of (unpickle_function, state), then the registered unpickle_function callable will be called to unpickle it again, with state as the argument, so you can use your music21.converter.thawStr() function there:

import copyreg
import music21.converter
import music21.stream

def pickle_music21_stream(stream_obj):
    return music21.converter.thawStr, (music21.converter.freezeStr(stream_obj),)

copyreg.pickle(music21.stream.Stream, pickle_music21_stream)

(the constructor argument to copyreg is ignored in recent Python versions)

This registers a global handler for those objects. You can also use a dispatch table per pickler, see [*Dispatch Tables on how you'd register one.

Now, when pickling, when encountering any instances of Stream the handle_stream() function is used to produce a serialisation, and the thawStr() function will be used to unpickle that data again.

However, the music21.converter functions use pickle themselves. They effectively pack and clean up the stream, and then pickle the resulting Stream instance. This will then call the custom handler, and you have an infinite loop.

The work-around is to use a custom dispatch table to handle pickling and unpickling. Avoid using copyreg in this case, as it sets a global hook that'll be called recursively each time a Stream object is being pickled.

Your own pickle infrastructure needs to use a custom pickler:

import copyreg
import io
import pickle
import music21.converter
import music21.stream

def pickle_music21_stream(stream_obj):
    return music21.converter.thawStr, (music21.converter.freezeStr(stream_obj),)

def dumps(obj):
    f = io.BytesIO()
    p = pickle.Pickler(f)
    p.dispatch_table = copyreg.dispatch_table.copy()
    p.dispatch_table[music21.stream.Stream] = pickle_music21_stream
    return f.getvalue()

def loads(data):
    return pickle.loads(data)  # hook is registered in the pickle data

Here the custom function is only called when a Stream instance is found in your own data structure. The music21 routines use the global pickle.dumps() and pickle.loads() functions and won't use the same hook.

这篇关于Python 3.6酸洗自定义过程的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 09:59