我正在尝试使用PowerShell 2.0将以下XML转换为CSV,我可以取出一些数据,但是当尝试遍历XML对象时,我似乎无法仅以某种格式获取数据.请允许我做一张好桌子.
I'm trying to convert the following XML to CSV using PowerShell 2.0, I can get some of the data out but when trying to go through the XML objects I can't seem to get just the data in a format that would allow me to make a good table.
What I have is something like this, with multiple item's
<root type="array">
<item type="object">
<short_version type="string">11</short_version>
<long_name type="string">Internet Explorer</long_name>
<api_name type="string">internet explorer</api_name>
<long_version type="string">11.0.9600.16384.</long_version>
<latest_stable_version type="string"></latest_stable_version>
<automation_backend type="string">webdriver</automation_backend>
<os type="string">Windows 2012 R2</os>
Either I end up with the Type or if I try and access the InnerHTML I get only the values, but in a long string.
[xml]$convertMe = Get-Content $jsonTemp
$convertMe.SelectNodes("//item") | % { $_.InnerText }
How can I get this in a nice CSV format like:
这是一个硬编码的长解决方案,但可以. :)尝试:
This is a hard-coded and long solution, but it works. :) Try:
$xml = [xml](Get-Content .\test.xml)
$xml.root.item | Select-Object @(
@{l="os";e={$_.os."#text"}}) |
Export-Csv test.csv -NoTypeInformation
"11","Internet Explorer","internet explorer","11.0.9600.16384.",,"webdriver","Windows 2012 R2"
And alternative and probably slower solution:
$xml = [xml](Get-Content .\test.xml)
#Foreach item
$xml.root.item | ForEach-Object {
$obj = New-Object psobject
$_.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
#Get all properties/elements and values
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.InnerText
} |
#Set property order. This also makes sure that all items exports the same properties(which a csv needs)
Select-Object short_version,long_name,api_name,long_version,latest_stable_version,automation_backend,os |
#Export to csv
Export-Csv test.csv -NoTypeInformation
这篇关于如何使用PowerShell 2.0将XML转换为CSV?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!