

您好我正在做一个计算器,我需要以这种方式显示计算器的输出,例如:1 + 1 = 2 + 2 = 4


Hello I am doing a calculator and I need to show the output of the calculator in this way for example: 1+1=2+2=4
Is it possible ?

if (operator == "+")
               double a = 0;
               string[] chaine = textBox1.Text.Split('+');
               textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + "=" + Environment.NewLine + (double.Parse(chaine[0]) + double.Parse(chaine[1])).ToString(); //first choice of the operation

               for (int i = 0; i < chaine.Length; i++)
                   a += double.Parse(chaine[i]);


               textBox1.Text = a.ToString();//second choice of the operation


我可以做的是这样的1 + 1,它给出结果2

What I have tried:

What I can do it is something like this 1+1 and it give the result 2


// Before operator check
public void operator_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) {
    if(resultAvailable) {
        // Change the values
        a = result;
    op = operatorTxt.Text;

// In the resolution function
public void evaluate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   // Evaluate the answer in result variable for further use.


This way, you will be able to process the expressions after resolving the previous ones. That is what is done in the modern mobile calculators.


10-10 06:33