







  / ** 
* @return HTMLElement
** /
function getActiveElement(){
var focused = false;

if(document.body === document.activeElement || $ b $ document.activeElement instanceof HTMLIFrameElement){
$ b $ //搜索iframe
var element = this.contentWindow.document.activeElement;
/ /如果存在活动元素
if(element!== this.contentWindow.document.body){
focused = element;
return false; //停止搜索

else focused = document.activeElement;

回报集中; //返回元素



更好!使用新的函数,您可以在具有多级iframe的网页中获取活动元素,而不需要 jquery

  / ** 
* @return HTMLElement
** /
var getActiveElement = function(document){

document = document || window.document;

if(document.body === document.activeElement
|| document.activeElement.tagName == 'IFRAME'){
var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
for(var i = 0; i< iframes.length; i ++){
var focused = getActiveElement(iframes [i] .contentWindow.document);
if(focused!== false){
return focused; //所关注的

else return document.activeElement;



I have a document with multiple iframes in it. The iframes all have textareas and textboxes. How can I find out what is the focused element (the element with the cursor in it) in the whole document? I need a method (or a property) which will search in all of the iframes and return the textarea or textbox with the cursor in it.

document.ActiveElement gives me the whole body of the document in console.


I have made it for you. With this function you can get the element active in the web page or iframes. The function checks where is the active element and returns it:

* Return the active element in the main web or iframes
* @return HTMLElement
function getActiveElement() {
    var focused = false;

    // Check if the active element is in the main web or no
    if( document.body === document.activeElement ||
        document.activeElement instanceof HTMLIFrameElement ){

        // Search in iframes
            var element = this.contentWindow.document.activeElement;
            // If there is a active element
            if( element !== this.contentWindow.document.body ){
                focused = element;
                return false; // Stop searching

    else focused = document.activeElement;

    return focused; // Return element

You can see a jsfiddle example working in: http://jsfiddle.net/tgrywLz7/5/


Even better! With the new function you can get the active element in a webpage with multilevel iframes and without jQuery!:

* Retrieve active element of document and preserve iframe priority MULTILEVEL!
* @return HTMLElement
var getActiveElement = function( document ){

     document = document || window.document;

     // Check if the active element is in the main web or iframe
     if( document.body === document.activeElement
        || document.activeElement.tagName == 'IFRAME' ){
         // Get iframes
         var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
         for(var i = 0; i<iframes.length; i++ ){
             // Recall
             var focused = getActiveElement( iframes[i].contentWindow.document );
             if( focused !== false ){
                 return focused; // The focused

    else return document.activeElement;

     return false;

See in action: http://jsfiddle.net/tgrywLz7/9/


08-20 09:36