本文介绍了在Google BigQuery SQL中计算HMAC的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何在Google BigQuery中计算HMAC?

How do I calculate an HMAC in Google BigQuery?


BigQuery includes a number of crypto related functions, such as hash functions and encryption functions, but a HMAC function (that calculates a signature) is missing.


BigQuery开发人员显然忘记了添加HMAC函数,但是幸运的是,它可以基于可用的东西来构建. HMAC定义为

The BigQuery developers apparently forgot to add HMAC functions, but fortunately that can be built on what is available. HMAC is defined as

HMAC(Key, Message) = H((Key xor opad) concat H((Key xor ipad) concat Message))


where H is a hash function andKey, ipad and opad are all byte strings of the same length as the blocksize of the hash function.


BigQuery provides all the necessary building blocks to implement this in custom functions. The following code implements HMAC_SHA1, but you can change it to use a different hash function by replacing the hash function and updating the block size.

-- HMAC(K, M) = H((K xor opad) concat H((K xor ipad) concat M))
-- K, opad and ipad are all the same size as the hash function's block size
-- ipad = 0x36 repeated to fill the block size
-- opad = 0x5c repeated to fill the block size
-- If K is smaller than the block size, it must be padded with 0x00s

-- This implementation gives the same result as the online HMAC generator at https://www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html

create temp function blocksize() as (64); -- the block size of the hash function, 64 in the case of SHA1
create temp function ipad() as (repeat(b"\x36", blocksize()));
create temp function opad() as (repeat(b"\x5c", blocksize()));

create temp function pad(key BYTES) as (
  concat(key, repeat(b"\x00", blocksize() - byte_length(key)))

create temp function hash_if_needed(key BYTES) as (
  if(byte_length(key) > blocksize(), sha1(key), key)

-- size of key == block size
create temp function hmac_sha1_core(key BYTES, message BYTES) as (
    key ^ opad(),
    sha1(concat(key ^ ipad(), message))

-- key must not be larger than the block size
create temp function hmac_sha1_bytes(key BYTES, message BYTES) as (
  hmac_sha1_core(pad(key), message)

create temp function hmac_sha1(key STRING, message STRING) as (
  hmac_sha1_bytes(hash_if_needed(cast(key as BYTES)), cast(message as BYTES))

要进行验证,请尝试select to_hex(hmac_sha1("my secret key", "hello world"))并将其与在 https://上生成的hmac进行比较www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html

To verify, try select to_hex(hmac_sha1("my secret key", "hello world")) and compare it to the hmac generated on https://www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html

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08-20 09:07