大家好!我有一个问题困扰了我很长时间,到目前为止我找不到答案.为什么在MDI应用程序上,子窗体看起来像基本的Aero样式,而不是Windows 8中的复古样式?我真的不明白 微软的人们如何错过它?
Hello everybody! I got a question that really bothers me for a long time and which I couldn't find an answer to so far. Why the hell on MDI applications the child forms looks like basic aero style instead of retro style in windows 8? I really don't understand how the people at Microsoft missed it? Is the a way to change it?
I'm not so sure about what child form style you would like. Could you please share a snapshot of your target WinForm style? I'd like to know the exactly style you concerned.
By the way, you can change the child form style with the code I listed here:
private void mnuFileNewMultiple_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){frmMChild objfrmMChild = new frmMChild();objfrmMChild.MdiParent = this;objfrmMChild.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; ;objfrmMChild.Show(); }
Set your child FormBoderSyle to the property you like by referring to this page:
For example, my MDI application:
After changing the style, it performs like this:
This style seems like Win 8 Metro style.
Please feel free to let me know your result.
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