




I have a two-part question. I need to add supporting for printing to an existing dialog-based MFC project. The document being printed is composed using HTML. I know that I can add HTML-based dialog but how do you add a capability for printing to it?


PS. I need this to be able to set the print page size according to a program's needs.


http://marc.durdin.net/2011/07/demystifying-printing-with-the-microsoft-webbrowser-control-and-showhtmldialogex-2/ =nofollow>优秀的Marc's Durdin的文章 ,我做了一些更多的spelunking。
实际上似乎更容易提供自定义 DEVMODE DEVNAMES ,并且不使用HTML对话框或自定义 。反之,应该允许设置自定义打印机,纸张大小,方向等。

Inspired by the excellent Marc's Durdin's article, I've done some more spelunking.There actually appears to be an easier way to supply custom DEVMODE and DEVNAMES and print without using an HTML dialog or a custom IE print template. That, in turn, should allow to set custom printer, paper size, orientation, etc.

我在C ++中有一个操场WebBrowser ActiveX主机项目,类似于。我在我的OLE站点对象( IOleClientSite )上实现 IOleCommandTarget 现在这里有趣的部分,当打印调用(通过Ctrl-P或通过),浏览器控件将 IOleCommandTarget :: Exec(& CGID_DocHostCommandHandler,OLECMDID_PRINT2,& VARIANT(VT_UNKNOWN),NULL) code>。第三个参数包含作为的IUnknown 传递的对象,但查询时的IDispatch 它支持所有相同的 __ IE _ * 属性,可通过 IDispatch :: Invoke 获得:

I have a playground WebBrowser ActiveX host project in C++, similar to this. I implement IOleCommandTarget interface on my OLE site object (IOleClientSite). Now here's the interesting part, when printing gets invoked (via Ctrl-P or via IDM_PRINT), the browser control calls back the site object as IOleCommandTarget::Exec(&CGID_DocHostCommandHandler, OLECMDID_PRINT2, &VARIANT(VT_UNKNOWN), NULL). The 3rd parameter contains an object which is passed as IUnknown, but when queried for IDispatch it supports all the same __IE_* properties, available via IDispatch::Invoke:

__IE_TemplateUrl (VT_EMPTY)
__IE_HeaderString (VT_BSTR)
__IE_FooterString (VT_BSTR)
__IE_OutlookHeader (VT_UNKNOWN)
__IE_BaseLineScale (VT_INT)
__IE_uPrintFlags (VT_UINT)
__IE_ContentDocumentUrl (VT_BSTR)
__IE_ContentSelectionUrl (VT_BSTR)
__IE_PrinterCMD_Printer (VT_BSTR)
__IE_PrinterCMD_Device (VT_BSTR)
__IE_PrinterCMD_Port (VT_BSTR)
__IE_BrowseDocument (VT_UNKNOWN)
__IE_TemporaryFiles (VT_ARRAY)
__IE_PrinterCMD_DevNames (VT_I4)
__IE_PrinterCMD_DevMode (VT_I4)
__IE_PrintType (VT_BSTR)

我没有进一步采取这个,但我认为这应该是可以改变任何人,返回 S_OK IOleCommandTarget :: Exec ,并期望浏览器控件接受更改。

I haven't taken this further yet, but I think it should be possible to alter any of the them and return S_OK from IOleCommandTarget::Exec, and expect the browser control to take in the changes.

我希望它在的 /的,但我还没有验证。我会玩这个多一点,时间允许。同时,欢迎您尝试并分享您的结果。

I expect it to work in a similar way for IDM_PRINTPREVIEW / OLECMDID_PRINTPREVIEW2, but I haven't verified that yet. I'll play with this a bit more, as time allows. Meanwhile, you're welcome to try it out and share your results.


08-20 08:39