假设 ls
产生 abcd
,我想创建文件 ab bd cb
等,以使 ab
,我会使用 cat ab>a-b
,其他类似.我想使用 makefile
Assume ls
produces a b c d
and I want to create files a-b b-d c-b
, etc. To make a-b
, I'd use a command such as cat a b > a-b
, and similarly for the other ones. I wanted to use a makefile
, but couldn't figure out how. I needed something such as:
FILES := a-b b-d c-b
$(FILES): %1-%2: %1 %2
cat $^ > $@
类似于 \ 1
和 \ 2
Here %1
and %2
would be something like \1
and \2
in some regex notations. Is there any simple way to do this? I found this answer, but it seemed to me too complicated and ugly for such a simple task. Maybe I'm asking too much, though.
类似于此问题,您基本上有两种选择:可以使用自动生成的makefile,也可以使用$(eval ...).",这是使用自动生成的方法的解决方案,
It's similar to this question, "You basically have two options: you can use auto-generated makefiles,or you can use $(eval ...).", here is the solution using auto-generated method,
FILE =a-b b-c c-d
all: $(FILE)
-include generated.mk
generated.mk: Makefile
@for f in $(FILE); do \
echo $$f: `echo $$f | sed 's/-/ /'`; \
echo '\t'"@cat $$^ > $$"@; \
echo ;\
done > $@