本文介绍了检查SQL Server服务器可用性的最快方法是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个在多个位置使用的MS Access程序.它连接到MS SQL Server表,但是服务器名称在每个位置都不同.我正在寻找测试服务器是否存在的最快方法.我当前正在使用的代码如下所示:

I have an MS Access program in use in multiple locations. It connects to MS SQL Server tables, but the server name is different in each location. I am looking for the fastest way to test for the existence of a server. The code I am currently using looks like this:

ShellWait "sc \\" & ServerName & " qdescription MSSQLSERVER > " & Qt(fn)
FNum = FreeFile()
Open fn For Input As #FNum
Line Input #FNum, Result
Close #FNum
Kill fn

If InStr(Result, "SUCCESS") Then ...


ShellWait: executes a shell command and waits for it to finish
Qt: wraps a string in double quotes
fn: temporary filename variable


I run the above code against a list of server names (of which only one is normally available). The code takes about one second if the server is available and takes about 8 seconds for each server that is unavailable. I'd like to get both of these lower, if possible, but especially the fail case as this one happens most often.


我最终选择的解决方案是使用nslookup.exe作为sc.exe命令的前身.如果SQL Server服务器不存在,则nslookup会立即告诉我.进行此更改将SQL Server查找失败所需的时间从大约8秒减少到不到1秒.成功案例实际上会稍长一些,但并不引人注意.对于那些可能感兴趣的人,这是我的最终解决方案(希望我的个人功能[ShellWait,Qt,PassThru,LogError]的目的很明显):

The solution I eventually settled on was to use nslookup.exe as a precursor to my sc.exe command. If the SQL Server server does not exist, nslookup tells me so immediately. Making this change cut down the time it took to fail on a SQL Server lookup from about 8 seconds to well under 1 second. The success case is actually slightly longer, but not noticeable. For those who may be interested, here is my final solution (hopefully the purpose of my personal functions [ShellWait, Qt, PassThru, LogError] will be obvious):


UPDATE: I've updated the function to incorporate dmaruca's clsRunApp (my new favorite class module) and the issue raised by Philippe concerning working in disconnected mode. The result is much better than I originally posted and I'd like to thank both of them for their contributions. Here's the function as it stands now:

Function SQLServerDBExists(ComputerName As String, DbName As String) As Boolean
Const LocalHost = ""
Dim Result As String, RunApp As New clsRunApp

    On Error GoTo Err_SQLServerDBExists

    If ComputerName <> LocalHost And _
       ComputerName <> "." And _
       ComputerName <> Environ("COMPUTERNAME") Then
        'Check for existence of the server using Name Server Lookup'
        Result = RunApp.RunAppWait_CaptureOutput("nslookup " & ComputerName)
        If InStr(Result, "Non-existent domain") Or _
           InStr(Result, "Default servers are not available") Then
            SQLServerDBExists = False
            GoTo Exit_SQLServerDBExists
        End If
    End If

    Result = RunApp.RunAppWait_CaptureOutput("sc \\" & ComputerName & " qdescription MSSQLSERVER")
    If InStr(Result, "SUCCESS") Then
        With PassThru("SELECT Name FROM sysdatabases " & _
                      "WHERE Name='" & DbName & "'", "master", ComputerName)
            SQLServerDBExists = (Not .EOF)
        End With
    End If

    Exit Function
    LogError Err.Number, Err.Description, "SQLServerDBExists", "AttachToSQL"
    Resume Exit_SQLServerDBExists
End Function


Note: I realize Environ("COMPUTERNAME") is not a 100% reliable way of determining the computer's name, so feel free to replace that with your own code if you want. I think the lazy approach is sufficient for its purpose here.

这篇关于检查SQL Server服务器可用性的最快方法是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 01:34