



用户的 A 可以访问MVC4网站的所有页面只有一个除外。但是,用户的可以访问所有网页(没有限制)。

User A can access all pages in MVC4 website except one. But user B can access all pages (no restriction).


  1. 部署网站上的IIS 7.5。

  2. 已启用窗口身份验证和IIS上的托管网站禁用匿名身份验证。

  3. 测试网站。

测试结果 -


(1) When User B is logged on same system (development system) where the website is deployed, he can access the website without prompt dialog.


(2) But when same website is published on server (production system) with same settings, website still asks for credentials with pop up.

**两者的开发系统的和的生产体系的都在同一个域(让我们将其命名为 )。

** Both of the development system and production system are in same domain (let's name it



根据我的研究对于 Windows身份验证,我想总结以下行的(也为我参考) -

As per my research for Window Authentication, I want to conclude following lines (also as reference for me) -

(1) Windows身份验证(缩写。WA 的)总是会显示提示来验证用户,如果你已经正确配置WA。

(1) Window Authentication (abbrev. WA) will always show prompt for verifying users if you had configured WA properly.

请参阅的匿名身份的残疾人和的 Windows身份验证的启用在下面的快照。

See anonymous authentication disabled and windows authentication enabled in below snapshot.

(2)即使一组的 NTLM 作为顶级供应商比的Kerberos (适用于IIS)时,IIS仍然会要求窗口凭据。快照显示如何做到这一点。

(2) Even if one set NTLM as top provider than Kerberos (in IIS), the IIS will still ask for Window credentials. Snapshot show how to do that.

(3)如果您想 避免显示提示在浏览器WA,按照步骤 -

(3) If you want to avoid showing prompt on browser for WA, follow steps-

(一)打开IE浏览器 - > Internet选项的 - > 安全的标签

(a) Open IE browser --> Internet Options --> Security tab.

(b)增加网站的本地Intranet 区,这样浏览器将发送登录的用户名和密码IIS。

(b) Add site to Local Intranet zone so that browser will send logged-in username and password to IIS.

注意 - 以上几点普遍适用于MVC和ASP.NET

回答我的问题 为什么在同一个域中同一个用户被要求提供凭据通过网站?


Because I had set anonymous authentication enabled along with Window authentication on development system. (Silly mistake).


08-20 08:14