



我正在使用 Microsoft Graph API 并成功查询了用户的会议和电子邮件.用户(测试应用程序)在与Office 365进行身份验证的过程中报告了JavaScript错误(使用 ADAL ),请参见下面的屏幕截图.

I am using the Microsoft Graph API and am successfully querying a user's meetings and emails. A user (testing the application) reported a JavaScript-error during the authentication process with Office 365 (using ADAL), see Screenshot below.

几个月前,我也注意到了这些弹出窗口,但是当我更新ADAL Nuget -Package后,它们消失了.我刚刚检查过,没有可用的更新(当前版本:4.0.209160138-alpha).

A few months ago I noticed these pop-ups too, but they were gone after I've updated the ADAL Nuget-Package. I just checked and there is no update available (current version: 4.0.209160138-alpha).


I myself cannot reproduce the issue. It might be that using different O365 tenants cause this issue in some cases (as they load different login-screens), or something else.


Did somebody experience similar errors, knows why/when this happens and a fix for it?


IE可能会进入一个状态,在该状态下,每个JS小错误都会引发对话框. 此处是禁用说明它-Internet选项->高级->选中禁用脚本调试(Internet Explorer)",然后取消选中显示有关每个脚本错误的通知"

IE can get into a state where it's throws up dialog boxes for every little JS error. Here are instructions to disable it - Internet Options -> Advanced -> Check "Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)" and uncheck "Display a notification about every script error"


08-20 08:12