

我正在尝试在React中复制此d3 地图示例,以便我可以使用它作为Plotly Dash中的组件.但是,存在一个问题(我认为是D3拼写),导致opnestreemap网址中的字符串未定义.这样可以防止代码获取瓦片的实际图像,并生成以下图像:

I'm trying to duplicate this d3 map example within React so that I can use it as a component in Plotly Dash. However, there is an issue (I think with D3-tile) that's resulting in undefined strings in the opnestreemap urls. This prevents the code from grabbing the actual images for the tiles, and results in the following image:


The errors produced as you zoom in look like this:


Here is the full MyMap.react.js code. It seems like the error is coming from the tiles variable not being filled with data, but I'm not sure what the cause of that would be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

import * as d3 from 'd3';
import {mesh} from 'topojson-client';
import * as d3Tile from 'd3-tile';

function createGeoMap(divId) {

    var pi = Math.PI,
        tau = 2 * pi;

    var width = Math.max(960, window.innerWidth),
        height = Math.max(500, window.innerHeight);

    // Initialize the projection to fit the world in a 1×1 square centered at the origin.
    var projection = d3.geoMercator()
        .scale(1 / tau)
        .translate([0, 0]);

    var path = d3.geoPath()

    var tile = d3Tile.tile()
        .size([width, height]);

    var zoom = d3.zoom()
        .scaleExtent([1 << 11, 1 << 14])
        .on('zoom', zoomed);

    var svg = d3.select('#' + divId).append('svg')
        .attr('width', width)
        .attr('height', height);

    var raster = svg.append('g');

    var vector = svg.append('path');

    d3.json('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mbostock/4090846/raw/d534aba169207548a8a3d670c9c2cc719ff05c47/us.json', function(error, us) {
      if (error) throw error;

          .datum(mesh(us, us.objects.states));

      // Compute the projected initial center.
      var center = projection([-98.5, 39.5]);

      // Apply a zoom transform equivalent to projection.{scale,translate,center}.
          .call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity
              .translate(width / 2, height / 2)
              .scale(1 << 12)
              .translate(-center[0], -center[1]));

    function zoomed() {
      var transform = d3.event.transform;

      var tiles = tile
          .translate([transform.x, transform.y])

          .scale(transform.k / tau)
          .translate([transform.x, transform.y]);

          .attr('d', path);

      var image = raster
          .attr('transform', stringify(tiles.scale, tiles.translate))
        .data(tiles, function(d) { return d; });


          .attr('xlink:href', function(d) { return 'http://' + 'abc'[d[1] % 3] + '.tile.openstreetmap.org/' + d[2] + '/' + d[0] + '/' + d[1] + '.png'; })
          .attr('x', function(d) { return d[0] * 256; })
          .attr('y', function(d) { return d[1] * 256; })
          .attr('width', 256)
          .attr('height', 256);

    function stringify(scale, translate) {
      var k = scale / 256, r = scale % 1 ? Number : Math.round;
      return 'translate(' + r(translate[0] * scale) + ',' + r(translate[1] * scale) + ') scale(' + k + ')';

export default class MyMap extends Component {

    constructor() {
        this.plot = this.plot.bind(this);

    plot(props) {

    componentDidMount() {

    shouldComponentUpdate() {
        return false;

    componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
        if(newProps.id !== this.props.id) {

    render() {
        const {id} = this.props;
        return (
            <div id={id} />

MyMap.propTypes = {
     * The ID used to identify this compnent in Dash callbacks
    id: PropTypes.string,




似乎文档和d3磁贴的链接示例使用v0.0.3;但是,使用0.0.4会破坏文档和示例(请参见此问题报告 ).由于似乎您使用的是文档链接到的示例之一作为模板,因此在使用最新版本的d3.tile时,您的代码将被破坏.

It appears that the documentation and linked examples for d3 tile use v0.0.3; however, using 0.0.4 breaks the documentation and examples (see this issue report). Since it appears as though you are using one of the examples that the documentation links to as a template, your code will be broken when using the newest version of d3.tile.


You can see the symptom of this break by looking the tiles you are requesting, as you note, you are requesting an image at something like this for each tile:




In v0.0.3, an array representing the x,y,z values for each tile was produced by d3.tile: [1,2,3]


In v0.0.4, an object with properties for the x,y,z values is produced by by d3.tile: {x:1,y:2,z:3}



  return 'http://' + 'abc'[d[1] % 3] + '.tile.openstreetmap.org/' + d[2] + '/' + d[0] + '/' + d[1] + '.png'


return 'http://' + 'abc'[d.y % 3] + '.tile.openstreetmap.org/' + d.z + '/' + d.x + '/' + d.y + '.png'; })

当然,每个图块的x,y属性也需要设置为d.x * 256d.y * 256,而不是d[0] * 256d[1] * 256.

And of course the x,y attributes of each tile needs to be set to d.x * 256 and d.y * 256 as well, rather than d[0] * 256 and d[1] * 256.


08-20 08:00