本文介绍了在laravel 5.1中以高效的方式吸引关注者的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经使用Eloquent for API构建了一个关注者系统(感谢),但是查询(n+1)的速度非常慢,它需要5秒钟的响应时间,是我的操作方式.

I have build a follower system using Eloquent for API (thanks to John Bupit ) but I am getting very slow query (n+1), its taking 5 second for response, here is the way I have done it.


I need to know is current user following current post, so I have appended the id of all users following on every post (which is making a lot of sql queries).


 * The accessors to append to the model's array form.
 * @var array
protected $appends = ['followers'];

 * Get the list of followers of this post.
 * @return bool
public function getFollowersAttribute()
    return $this->followers()->get()->lists('id');


As you can see I have added an attribute followers on model which fetches the lists of ids user following.


Is there any other way I can get the following state of post for user, How can I make it faster.


I want to show Following if user is following the post with a count of total followers.


I am returning a paginated list of 20 posts per page from API as json.



I have tried eager loading and its fast now, but how can I get only the list of user ids, not hole user model. here is my code

  'followers' => function($q) {
      $q->select('user_id'); // select id is giving Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous


followers: [
    user_id: 32
    user_id: 3
    user_id: 21
    user_id: 33
    user_id: 46
    user_id: 30



followers : [45,2,45,87,12] //as array of ids

这会引起问题,例如,如果某个帖子获得1000个关注者,我敢打赌它会再次变慢,并且我不能限制eager loaded结果

it will cause problem, for example if a post get 1000 follower, I bet it will be slow again, and I cant limit the eager loaded result

$q->select('user_id')->limit(20); // Limit doesn't work


另一种方法是在followers_count之类的帖子表上缓存关注者的数量,然后我可以使用某种方式检查登录用户是否使用标志ex跟踪每个帖子. is_following.我不知道我在这里迷路了.

One another way will be to cache number of followers on posts table like followers_countand then some way I can check that logged in user is following the each post using a flag ex. is_following. I dont know I am lost here.



您可以使用后,出现nofollow> array_reduce .


$followers = array_reduce($post->followers, function ($c, $i) {
    $c[] = $i->user_id;
}, []);


这篇关于在laravel 5.1中以高效的方式吸引关注者的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-23 01:36