

本文介绍了JSF State最初保存到服务器&会话超时转移到客户端?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Are there any state saving method that would allow JSF application to intially save state data on server but after the session expire time interval , that state is transferred to client so that app is always responsive even after the session timeout on the server & memory is better managed on server?


Or any way this could be implemented? But I expect that this should be a part of the JSF specification !


After suggestion by BalusC, I'm highly impressed with the Stateless JSF principles & the current implementation for it. If anyone else here is also interested in stateless JSF being added to the JSF spec, consider having a look at or voting this issue.


Stateless JSF offers huge performance boosts for some payoffs like inability to create views dynamically (e.g. by binding, JSTL tags, etc), or modifying it.


This has previously been suggested by Jacob: http://weblogs.java.net/blog/jhook/archive/2006/01/experiment_goin.html

这将有助于JSF放弃慢速和记忆力的耻辱,而b $ b有助于跟上当前的科技趋势s(无状态架构。)

This would help JSF ditch the stigma of "slow and memory hog," and help keep up with current tech trends (stateless architectures.)


技术上如何可行?如果下一个请求将创建新会话,则服务器永远不能可靠地预测,因此当前请求的响应必须使用客户端状态保存而不是服务器端状态保存。如果您使用普通的JSP / Servlet成功实现它,请随意发布JSF规范增强请求。

How is that technically possible? The server can never reliably predict beforehand if the next request would create a new session and thus the response of the current request has to use client side state saving instead of server side state saving. If you ever succeed to implement it using plain JSP/Servlet, feel free to post a JSF specification enhancement request.


Just use client side state saving and make sure that partial state saving is enabled. The overhead is relatively minor as compared to full state saving.


Note that it's possible to use JSF entirely stateless. See also this blog. The only major payoff is that you can't create views dynamically (e.g. by binding, JSTL tags, etc), nor manipulate it after creation (e.g. by adding/removing component's children).

  • Why JSF saves the state of UI components on server?

这篇关于JSF State最初保存到服务器&会话超时转移到客户端?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 07:50