

我想转换/ AAC从格式保存音频文件AIFF音频格式。默认我和LineraPCM尝试。 。但音频格式保存在AAC格式。 。我想保存在AIFF format.Here是我的code中的音频文件。

Can anyone please advice on the kAudioFormat or audio settings to write the file using AVAssetWriterInput to save it in AIFF audio format ?


I haven' worked with AVAssetWriter so far, but I assume its basically a format description as in Core Audio with ASBDs.

An example of a AudioBasicStreamDescription defined for AIFF see for example here:

In your above code big endianess has to be set to YES. As mentioned I have never worked with AVAssetWriter, so I am not sure which further parameters have to be set or which not, but with the example stream description above, it should be not too hard to get running.


08-20 07:45